firemonkey wrote:
naturalplastic wrote:
If you cant dress yourself, and cant go to the bathroom by yourself then your level 3.
If you can do all of the above, but cant drive, or grocery shop for yourself, then your level 2.
If you can dress yourself, go to to the bathroom by yourself, and even grocery shop for yourself, and drive a car by yourself, a just generally blend into society, but you cant get promoted to middle management - which would enable you to earn a living wage, then you're level one.
I just made up the above criteria myself off of the top of my head. Its not in the DSM or anything. But I bet that the way they break it down is something like that.
I'm not sure if you're being tongue in cheek about level 1 and 2. I can get to the small local supermarket , as it's less than 5 minutes walk away in a rather straight path . For a big shop though I'm dependent on my stepdaughter . She drives me there,guides me round the aisles and packs the groceries at the checkout. The only practical thing I'm ok at is managing money. If left to my own devices I struggle to keep a place from turning into a sh*t heap.
Don't worry about level description FM ,
the DSM-5 explains that ‘severity’ levels may vary by context and also fluctuate over time, that the descriptive severity categories should not be used to determine eligibility for and provision of services, and that 'these can only be developed at an individual level and through discussion of personal priorities and targets.
You should be given the help you need after diagnosis as long as it is provided in your county ( postcode lottery I'm afraid ).
R Tape loading error, 0:1
Hypocrisy is the greatest luxury. Raise the double standard