Dbz33 wrote:
Not sure how too expand upon this, my family doesn't like me because I'm autistic. My opinions and validations don't matter too them, also looked down by them because I don't drive and work minimum wage I'm looked at as a failure. They wouldn't even get me tested as a teen until I got diagnosed as a young adult. I live with my friend and the thoughts of being a failure and being disliked by family. Anyone else have this issue as well?
I'm quite used to my opinions and proofs being ignored, not because I'm AS per se, but because the logic it confers clashes with other ways of understanding the world to muddle through life in the middle of the herd. I just spent a couple of days trying to get an engineer to re-read his text books, but he's used to doing it "the regular way" and does not want a better one, even with major, obvious benefits. I gave up on my family long ago, but even the big sample of people turned up little understanding. It is quite rare to find an opinion that is well thought out - people usually acquire them through something more akin to osmosis, so bringing in logic can be like a bull in the china shop - banned on sight.