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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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04 Jul 2004, 5:52 pm

I'm also bipolar II. I can't believe how much I actually fit in on this board.


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04 Jul 2004, 9:32 pm

Cool - I'm bipolar I - I've got to go look up what the difference is . . . do you cycle more manic or depressive? I tend to go toward the depressive side, while my manic episodes are more like excessive stiming or spending a bunch of money at once . . .

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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04 Jul 2004, 10:33 pm

Well, bipolar I (I had an obsession with learning all about bipolar at one is mostly depression with some hypomania. I truly LIKE the hypomania, but more often I would fall into, what I'd all, "The Deep Pit." When hypomanic I can stay awake for nights being very creative and writing. I also like to go spend money and care less that I'm an aspie! I just feel more confident about myself, but it doesn't happen much.


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05 Jul 2004, 11:47 am

Oh - ok - that would make sence that I'd be bi-polar I since I can't remember not being depressed for more than one or two days at a time since I was 15 . . .

I read your bio, but I can't remember how old you are - have you ever heard Nine Inch Nail's album 'Pretty Hate Machine'? It is actually about a bad break up of a relationship, but there are songs on there that are so much like being bi-polar . . .
Like one starts out 'Kinda like a cloud I was up, way up in the sky and I was feeling feelings I couldn't believe - sometimes I don't believe them myself, but I decided I was never coming down, just then a tiny little dot caught my eye and I had just about gone by but I watched it way too long and it was pulling me down . . .' - but the end of the album (I think it tells a story but that might be the AS in me) he is quite psychotic - but the process of getting there has MANY characteristics that I recognize far too well . . .
It is very heavy acid rock - I don't know if you like that sort of thing . . .


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06 Jul 2005, 3:58 pm

When I was fourteen or fifteen years old, I was suspected of having bipolar disorder; in fact, I was treated with lithium and some other medications for a while. I didn't care for the blood tests much. Anyway, most recently, I have been treated with a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (i.e., an antidepressant) for major depression.

Mood disorders belong two three categories in the American Psychiatric Association's (APA's) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR): (unipolar) depressive disorders, bipolar disorders, and mood disorders - not otherwise specified.

  • Bipolar Disorder
    • Bipolar I Disorder (at least one manic episode)
    • Bipolar II Disorder (at least one hypomanic episode and at least one major depressive episode)
    • Cyclothymic Disorder (hypomanic symptoms and depressive symptoms for at least two years; Bipolar I or II can be superimposed on on this disorder if manic or major depressive episodes subsequently occur)
    • Bipolar Disorder - Not Otherwise Specified
  • Depressive Disorder
    • Major Depressive Disorder (at least one major depressive episode with no manic or hypomanic episodes)
      • Single Episode
      • Recurrent
    • Dysthymic Disorder (depressive symptoms for two years without meeting the criteria for a major depressive episode; no manic or hypomanic episodes; major depressive episodes may be superimposed after two years)
    • Depressive Disorder - Not Otherwise Specified
  • Mood Disorder - Not Otherwise Specified