fie wrote:
I think the "poor motor skills" is only for ASD with problems involving perception of positions of objects in space and motion of object.
I don't think it's a very common trait though for those on the aspie end of the spectrum. (don't quote me on that)
It kinda seem so.
The best autistic artists I've known have better visio-spatial abilities in general.
None of them are aspies at all. All of them I've known are barely verbal, tend to be on level 2 scale of support.
But then, I've yet to meet any aspies any time soon.
Observation tells me, it doesn't always have to be about motor skills when it comes to drawing and painting.
It's about how a person can 'see' spaces and 'plan' where to place those strokes...
In my case, just had more than enough visio-spatial abilities to perform arts.
The fine motor is a tool of sorts in a form of fingers; a tool making the
products done faster, firmer, less 'shaky' or messy...