Got an assignment to gather up some of the most informative,interesting, inspiring or generally great resources on autism. They could be anything from books to research articles to Youtube videos. I will be sharing my findings with fellow autists and other people in autism support scene.
So tell me! What are your best recent discoveries?
Joined: 20 Aug 2018 Age: 325 Gender: Male Posts: 1,922 Location: Germany
03 Oct 2020, 8:37 am
Lilinoe wrote:
Got an assignment to gather up some of the most informative,interesting, inspiring or generally great resources on autism. They could be anything from books to research articles to Youtube videos. I will be sharing my findings with fellow autists and other people in autism support scene.
So tell me! What are your best recent discoveries?
You may look for the videos of Tony Attwood on Youtube. But autism isn't just a single condition. It's a bunch of quite different and partly opposite problems.
_________________ I am as I am. Life has to be an adventure!
Joined: 30 Jun 2018 Age: 76 Gender: Male Posts: 9,537 Location: Indiana
03 Oct 2020, 8:40 am
One problem that many Aspies face is stress. We experience stress to such a high degree that it should almost be our middle name. Stress is cumulative in nature and will build up in our muscles and nervous system and unless it is vented properly will often turn to distress. Some examples of distress include Anxiety, Panic, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Bipolar Disorder (BD), Depression, Self Harm and Suicide, and Agoraphobia.
Some of this stress is derived from bullying. As a child transitions into being a teenager, they are confronted with another major transition. In this age bracket they pass into puberty and teasing and bullying becomes a major force in their peer group. Those terms are very understated. The term teasing and bullying are terms developed to protect the abusers. They minimize the offense. A more accurate phrase is cruel and relentless torture. In adult society, the terms used are physical abuse, psychological abuse, and assault and they are criminal offenses. A quick bit of research on the Internet revealed: * Aspies are bullied much more than their typical peers. Perhaps as much as 95% of male Aspies experience bullying in school. This does entails physical assaults. * Normally bullying peaks during Junior High School for boys and high school for girls.
Since stress is a major driver in the life of Aspies, I would like to recommend a couple books. The first is: In an Unspoken Voice by Peter A. Levine (This is a good primer on stress theory)
The other book is called The Revolutionary Trauma Release Process by David Berceli. Stress is primarily chemical in nature. It is stored in 6 areas of the body. These are the core, the two arms, the two legs and the neck. This book describes the technique for venting stress in the core. Here is a link to a YouTube video that describes this process:
The Autism Spectrum is wide and includes not only high functioning autistics (HFAs) but also low and medium autistics (LFAs and MFAs). Some on the lower end of the spectrum are significantly challenged and are non-verbal. But the primary question is how do you transition an LFA or MFA into a HFA. What is a proven approach! To that end I would like to recommend a book written by one of Wrong Planet's members: Eikona Bridge by Jason H.J. Lu
Joined: 11 Jun 2013 Gender: Non-binary Posts: 26,635 Location: Australia
03 Oct 2020, 8:52 am
Lilinoe wrote:
Got an assignment to gather up some of the most informative,interesting, inspiring or generally great resources on autism. They could be anything from books to research articles to Youtube videos. I will be sharing my findings with fellow autists and other people in autism support scene.
So tell me! What are your best recent discoveries?
Me. I have discovered who I truly am through understanding my autism. Please ensure there are air holes in the packaging if I am to be shipped out.
I found this to be a very good video on Theory of Mind:
Thanks , and keep the good stuff coming- I've got a day and a half until I have to return my assignment.
Just clarifying (since I'm quite new here and all ), I'm an Aspie myself, and have the "basics" covered. So this is more like hunting hidden gems that would be hard to come by in random searches.
I see this assignment as an opportunity to raise awareness & share info about topics that people on the spectrum actually find helpful, including issues that don't necessarily get so much attention from NT professionals working with autism. Often, those who look autism "from the outside" seem to see things quite differently from us who actually live on the spectrum.
Spectrum (I find this a good resource for news on autism)
And for autism humor:
There is so much on the internet. I would also go to Google Scholar to find research. There is a surprizing amount you don't need to pay for. For example, this research on undiagnosed adults was very useful for me:
Bartók, Bruckner, Mahler, Beethoven, Mozart Warhol, van Gogh, Michelangelo Austen, Thoreau, Joyce, Kafka, Lovecraft, Asimov, Twain Kubrick, Hitchcock, Chaplin Franklin, Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln Edison, Tesla Darwin, Newton, Einstein
And now I have to periodically remind myself that those "giants" tower over the vast majority of people, NT or neurodiverse. But, at least I might be from the same planet.
_________________ When diagnosed I bought champagne! I finally knew why people were strange.
Joined: 6 May 2008 Gender: Male Posts: 60,939 Location:
05 Oct 2020, 12:17 pm
Lilinoe wrote:
Got an assignment to gather up some of the most informative,interesting, inspiring or generally great resources on autism. They could be anything from books to research articles to Youtube videos. I will be sharing my findings with fellow autists and other people in autism support scene. So tell me! What are your best recent discoveries?
You are looking at it.
WrongPlanet is a wealth of resources, mostly to do with personal accounts of what it is like to be on the autistic spectrum. Thousands of members have come and gone, and all have left an account of their travels and travails.
Alex (the owner) has posted links to some resources on the home page. Enjoy!