Hi everyone,
I've been struggling with depression as long as I can remember and I find that my obsessive modes shift more and more when I'm having a day/week.
For example, I see some people who turn their obsessions into a career (e.g. loves science = become a scientist or engineer etc) but my focuses are shifting so much at the moment, I find it hard to even focus on routine tasks (mainly work, and the motivation to work)
For example, ever since Covid, I've been obsessed with playing video games but that in itself shifts from one game to the next (2-3 weeks on one game, followed by boredom then 2-3 weeks on the next) . My main passion is music, but, obviously Covid stops me playing with others and now I have little or no interest.
Is anyone else experiencing such rapid changes in obsession and concentration/focus?
Any tips or tricks for me to try out?
Thanks in advance