King Kat 1 wrote:
I hate it, there are so many things I just want to forget about but can't. Many of the flashbacks are from High school and well into my 20s(I am 40 now), dumb things I said, being too open about obsessive interests, reacting badly to things... etc.. . Every time I think about it I turn red with embarrassment and sometimes a minor panic attack.
If I even start thinking about a few of the incidents I start sweating. It seems this is happening more and more to me as of late.
Yes, I have had this problem before; I rethink the stupid things that I did. Some flashbacks are from my hospitalizations from being restrained to a bed for months at a time with no reprieve, to painful operations and procedures (burn dressing changes - I can't describe the pain
), to CSA. Those memories are paralyzing, and I just freeze and have the "thousand yard stare". I have been diagnosed with PTSD a number of times. Sometimes, I regret inaction more than I do action.