Udinaas wrote:
I usually remember things once I learn them. I occasionally do this with passwords/passcodes, especially if they're just numbers. I might remember the order to hit the keys but be unable to type the numbers on a keyboard with a different layout. This mainly happened with my lunch code at school.
I know what you mean about the physical/visual hint or habit helping to remember, but don't beat yourself up too much about forgetting numbers! Phone numbers and ID numbers usually make sense even if they're totally scrambled and arbitrary. Outside of mathematics, there's no such thing as a "nonsense number." Words, on the other hand, can be dubbed valid in a given language or not--for example, the names of Futurama's Lrrr, Ndnd, and their son Jrrr are amusing to English-speaking Earthlings for a reason!
If anyone ever tries a cognitive assessment on me using a "remember these numbers" task, I will hopefully remember to tell them straight-up that I was never very good at that at all!