When asking this question, I am assuming you're referring to the UK definition of dyspraxia. The literature on this topic is somewhat confusing and convoluted, but from what I gather, the defining feature of dyspraxia, regardless on which side of the Atlantic Ocean you are, is a delay in motor skills (fine and gross), motor planning, and coordination. This narrow definition is officially known as DCD, in both North America and the UK.
Where things get confusing is the fact that the Dyspraxia Foundation of the UK lists several non motor skills that may be affected by dyspraxia. Strictly speaking, these are not required for the diagnosis of DCD, but for reasons that aren't fully understood, they often co-occur in people who have motor skills challenges. The profile that combines the weak motor skills seen in DCD and the non-motor challenges mentioned by the UK Dyspraxia Foundation is (as far as I know) what's called NVLD in North America.
So... to answer the OP's question. If you use the narrow definition of dyspraxia as only including the motor features of DCD, then it is definitely not on the autism spectrum. If you're using the definition of dyspraxia that makes it similar to NLVD, then the question becomes more "is NVLD on the autism spectrum?" and that's a can of worms alright.
Yet, I will still try to answer the latter question. I am not entirely in favour of the way of viewing autism as a spectrum from mild to moderate to severe. Instead, I see it more as a catch-all term for a variety of different and unrelated conditions that all result in similar behaviours. Nonetheless, I do believe that the NVLD label has some use, for the NVLD profile appears quite frequently, both in those that are officially diagnosed with ASD, and those that aren't but still show NVLD signs.
Long winded, I know, but this opinion is my own.
~Glflegolas, B.Sc.
The Colourblind Country Chemist & Tropical TrackerMyers-Briggs personality: The CommanderAsperger's Quiz: 79/111, both neurodiverse and neurotypical traits present. AQ score: 23 Raads-r score: here