Recently a frustrated aspie on the forum expressed his opinion that using violence such as throwing projectile weapons at people is his preferred method for resolving a problem where an annoying person was causing him distress due to the excessive noise his/her motorcycle made when he/she went past his house/flat.
Now, i am not judging the aspie, as i know from my own condition how frustrating it is to put up with sensory overload and triggers.
However, I was thinking what people's reactions would be if they were NT and they rode past on their motorcycle, and someone threw a bottle at them?
Personally, if someone did that to me, i may be inclined to get off my bike and get involved in a fight with the person who threw the bottle. I am not saying that I have a problem with the guy who wrote the recent post, and of course, if i knew that a person had ASD with sensory issues, i would not ride a noisy motorcycle near him, as I would be conscious that it may cause him distress.
But i am trying to get people to see things from the other persons perspective, as well as to help people realise what danger they could be in, as some people in this planet are really aggressive and dangerous.
The police may also consider throwing a bottle at a motorcyclist as extremely dangerous and a judge in a court of law may feel that such actions are enough provocation to start a fight.
Just out of interest.
If someone was swearing at me and started throwing bottles at me, and i didn't understand why
I probably would be offended and their actions may also trigger my sensory overload
Which triggers my fight and flight response, which may very well cause me to fight.
this is how things get out of hand.
Just out of interest.