I believe I had it almost exactly a year ago. Long before testing was available. Classic symptoms, exactly 4 days incubation since exposure, I ran a fever, had runny nose and sore eyes with discharge, then sore throat, coughing/ respiratory lungs congested with still runny nose, runny nose and sore throat took about 10 days from start to stop, took about 3 weeks for the cough to clear and go away. I got it while I was visiting a dietitian in her hospital office. She had been coughing and wiping her nose for days, she told me, but not to worry, it was just a cold. She even went out of her office to cough since the room was so small and I sat directly across from her . No masks back then.. I thought to myself what a load of germs must be coating her desk, doors, drawer handles, etc etc...
This was when Covid awareness was growing and about 3 to 4 weeks before everything in our state got shut down.
It was like a nasty cold. No tests to confirm it and after a year, there may not be traceable antibodies either, plus testing costs money and most tests are only 60 percent reliable (antibody tests). I believe I had it, we will see what the future brings. (PS my spouse got it too, 4 days after I started showing symptoms).