rdos wrote:
The male-to-female trans group cannot be masculinized (they identify as more feminine than their biological sex), and this is more common in the ND population than in the NT population, which kind of makes the whole theory inconsistent.
Ah ok that's what I was wondering about.
I thought it was referring to autistic trans men rather than autistic trans women.
It might be a correalation thing rather than causation then.
NTs are prone to lie if it serves well socially. Autistic people less so.
I am specifying autistic rather than ND because ND includes people who are pathological liars and are not autistic. ND also includes non-autistic people who are prone to delusions.
No NT person is autistic but not all ND people are autistic.
Autistic people might be more open and less closeted about such things. They might not weigh up the social costs as much.
I know myself, when I was younger, I had no idea homophobia was a thing. Within a climate where it wasn't allowed to be taught in schools. As soon as girls were hot and guys were hot, I said 'so and so is hot' or 'I have a crush on so and so'.
Not actually a girl