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01 Feb 2021, 6:12 am

Hello everyone. I don't know if I have TSA. I red that people with TSA often had digestive problems (which I do have).
Can you tell me more about it ? What kind of problems do you have exactly? Is your stomach involved or is it more intestinal ?

In my case I had digestive problems since I was born. The intensity of the trouble depends in part of my level of anxiety, but it seems that I'm intolerant to FODMAPs too.


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01 Feb 2021, 12:38 pm

What is TSA?


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01 Feb 2021, 12:40 pm

TSA = Traditional Serrated Adenomas (e.g., of the upper digestive tract).

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02 Feb 2021, 2:41 am

Sorry, I used the French abbreviation, my bad. I meant "autism spectrum disorders" (ASD). I'm new to this so I haven't assimiliated the vocabulary yet. I didn't find the "edit" button so here is the rectified post :

ThatGoofyGuy wrote:
Hello everyone. I don't know if I have ASD. I red that people with ASD often had digestive problems (which I do have).
Can you tell me more about it ? What kind of problems do you have exactly? Is your stomach involved or is it more intestinal ?

In my case I had digestive problems since I was born. The intensity of the trouble depends in part of my level of anxiety, but it seems that I'm intolerant to FODMAPs too.


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02 Feb 2021, 2:30 pm

This is very common for many on the spectrum. I used to feel concerned at people who would place their children on gluten and dairy-free diets, believing that this would “cure” them of ASD, without any reasonable cause to implement such a severe diet. Especially since I myself have never had any food intolerances at all.

But, of course some, in fact, many people on the spectrum do “suffer” from various intolerances. There’s no question that the mind gut connection is strong. Stress alone can bring about severe bouts of IBS in some, or simply change itself can cause cramps in the stomach for children removed from the known home environment.

Some of us are Celiac, some have damaged themselves internally due to not realising certain foods were causing issues. I recently cut certain foods out of my diet in order to increase energy levels and aid fitness, which has worked remarkably well. I’ve never felt better. As we grow older, the body often will no longe tolerate certain foods it once craved and enjoyed. I saw this in older relatives with coffee and cheese, for example.

You need to very carefully cut out certain things from the diet in order to pinpoint what is causing you issues. This can be a process of getting it wrong before you get it right. It can take years for some people to realise they have scarring on their liver for example(fatty liver) which unless certain foods are eliminated altogether from the diet, can actually kill you. It leads to cirrhosis of the liver.

You can have your abdomen scanned if you suspect gall bladder, pancreas or liver issues are at play, causing you intolerances. The following is some information I put together a few years back that remains valid today ...

Autism & IBS:

Study Explores High Stress - Gastrointestinal Disorders Connection:

New Guidelines Issued for Management of IBS/IBS Linked to Genetic Causes: