DIVAIR wrote:
Perhaps the best thing you can do when you feel that way is ask yourself, "OK, so what: what if I never do talk to this person again: what's really gunna happen to me?" You need to be brutally honest with yourself, that is, don't rationalize what if scenarios, just weigh the consequences. Now here's the most important part of this process: go do something you really enjoy immediately afterwords--this is vital! Why? Because hopefully it will show you that you will be perfectly fine, and just the same without said person, and you can start to unlearn negative behaviors by substituting them with positive ones...
What will happen to me? I will not speak with the love of my life again? That I won't spend my life with them? That I can't seem to develop feelings for other people and might spend the rest of my life alone and in agony? That about sums it up.
I have trouble doing things I once enjoyed, in fact, I have stopped doing them altogether because I have lost the interest. I have tried forcing myself doing these activities and I only found that I feel terrible doing them and I instead develop resentment for the activity itself.