Purpopcorn wrote:
Retail is much better than fast food, especially if you are in stock or receiving. People will stay in retail, mostly as a side job, for years. Most burn out of fast food within a year. Retail is also more willing to make accommodations for those that have disabilities. Working for a grocery store is the best option. Many have unions and allow for advancement. Plus it is much better working conditions.
Looking back on working in fast food, I remember stressing out over every little thing. Things that were out of my control, like bad customers and incompetent supervisors. The best advice I think of is to stick with it. Eventually, you will get better at your job and it will become easier. Also, leave work at work. This can be difficult ( I am still working on this myself), but is essential if you don't want to drive yourself crazy. Having goals outside of work help. Going to school, hobbies, or learning new skills will put everything in better perspective. It will also give you an opportunity to move on later to a better job.
Yeah, I agree! I've worked retail before, but this is my first fast food job and I thought I hated my last job, but this is waaaaaay way worse. I have applied to other places, but this is the only place that would hire me. Thank you, that's what I've been trying to do! I really value my personal time more than ever now!