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25 Feb 2021, 10:06 pm

I can't seem to make it stop. It's driving me nuts and soooo much worse when I'm stressing out or doing something unplanned.

Does it happen or bother you .. struggle with making it stop.. what helps? Apart from going on an adventure to somewhere in a field with nobody around.


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25 Feb 2021, 10:13 pm

I repeat sounds animals make and some things I've heard people say, usually from media I like. It gets worse and more involuntary the more stressed out I am and I hate it. I don't really know how to deal with it besides trying to fix whatever is stressing me out. :?


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25 Feb 2021, 10:36 pm

HeroOfHyrule wrote:
I repeat sounds animals make and some things I've heard people say, usually from media I like. It gets worse and more involuntary the more stressed out I am and I hate it. I don't really know how to deal with it besides trying to fix whatever is stressing me out. :?

Yeah I'm much the same.. literally inside my head I'll do it to the point it's driving me crazy! Yeah trying to stop it once it starts :( went on a day out today and seeing if I'll cope semi around others. Can see me mutilating myself out of self aimed rage though.. I'm notoriously bad for self harm / suicide attempts. It's almost guaranteed this weekend .. something will snap!

Yes echolalia and self talk makes me super prone to this.


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25 Feb 2021, 10:46 pm

Danusaurus wrote:
Yeah I'm much the same.. literally inside my head I'll do it to the point it's driving me crazy! Yeah trying to stop it once it starts :( went on a day out today and seeing if I'll cope semi around others. Can see me mutilating myself out of self aimed rage though.. I'm notoriously bad for self harm / suicide attempts. It's almost guaranteed this weekend .. something will snap!

Yes echolalia and self talk makes me super prone to this.

I'm sorry to hear that you are so stressed out. :(

Do you know what's bothering you and making you repeat things more? Is just going in public stressful?


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25 Feb 2021, 10:54 pm

I don't mean for this message to be insensitive, or to hurt anyone. I just wanted to say I learned something new. While I knew autistics have ecolalia, I didn't know that high functioning adults do. But maybe so, since there was already a response to this thread that was able to relate.

What makes it especially interesting is that I always assumed my Asperger is worse than other people's. I mean, look at my posts that are several pages long, nobody else writes that much. And also I don't have any friends or aquitances, but most people do, even here. Yet at the same time, I see that other people are ecolalic and I am not. So in this particular sense other people have it worse. So I guess all and all, its not more or less severe, just different symptoms. I have social symptoms/obsessions part, and others have ecolalia and sensory part.

By the way, Brina Siegel told me I am mild (I mean, really mild: like milder than 99.5% of cases). Unfortunately, back when she was evaluating me, I wasn't aware of all of my problems I am aware of now, thats why I didn't ask why am I mild. But ever since I became aware of those problems few years later, I couldn't ask anyone that question who would know the answer. Could lack of ecolalia be part of the answer?

In any case, maybe we should make a different post. Instead of directing it to people who have ecolalia, maybe we can direct it to everyone and ask who has it and who doesn't. That way we could get a full picture of how common it is in this forum.


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25 Feb 2021, 11:31 pm

QFT wrote:
I don't mean for this message to be insensitive, or to hurt anyone. I just wanted to say I learned something new. While I knew autistics have ecolalia, I didn't know that high functioning adults do. But maybe so, since there was already a response to this thread that was able to relate.

What makes it especially interesting is that I always assumed my Asperger is worse than other people's. I mean, look at my posts that are several pages long, nobody else writes that much. And also I don't have any friends or aquitances, but most people do, even here. Yet at the same time, I see that other people are ecolalic and I am not. So in this particular sense other people have it worse. So I guess all and all, its not more or less severe, just different symptoms. I have social symptoms/obsessions part, and others have ecolalia and sensory part.

By the way, Brina Siegel told me I am mild (I mean, really mild: like milder than 99.5% of cases). Unfortunately, back when she was evaluating me, I wasn't aware of all of my problems I am aware of now, thats why I didn't ask why am I mild. But ever since I became aware of those problems few years later, I couldn't ask anyone that question who would know the answer. Could lack of ecolalia be part of the answer?

In any case, maybe we should make a different post. Instead of directing it to people who have ecolalia, maybe we can direct it to everyone and ask who has it and who doesn't. That way we could get a full picture of how common it is in this forum.

Nope that's probably a good idea in terms of aiming or wording it correctly. I am not even 100% clear if I used the term correctly as I'm always learning more about myself here . I mean when I hear something.. I've a habit of repeating it especially when it surrounds something I become obsessive over needing to know all the details on and it becomes like an overflow of information and Jumbled up and I get frustrated I miss out on all the important bits I feel are essential to figure out something or try and learn. It's mainly in my head this happens as opposed to physically repeating it so assuming that is the same.. then yeah.
And the fact it becomes so overwhelming at times ..


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26 Feb 2021, 11:50 am

To be clear :)

As someone with rather mild Tourette syndrome I can appreciate what y'all'r sayin': while I don't have Echolalia, I do know me about some tics!

If you have both a motor and a phonic-tic, such as Echolalia, you probably have Tourette: sorry, I'm not trying to talk down to anyone, just hoping to clarify things for anyone in doubt :)



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26 Feb 2021, 2:13 pm

DIVAIR wrote:
To be clear :)

As someone with rather mild Tourette syndrome I can appreciate what y'all'r sayin': while I don't have Echolalia, I do know me about some tics!

If you have both a motor and a phonic-tic, such as Echolalia, you probably have Tourette: sorry, I'm not trying to talk down to anyone, just hoping to clarify things for anyone in doubt :)


I actually do have motor tics and have had them throughout my life. I most likely have OCD to some degree though, and I think it stems from that. There's also a few things I repeat that I have been starting to wonder if they are vocal tics and it's very irritating.


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26 Feb 2021, 2:29 pm

I do not have echolalia or tourettes
but i guess i can relate, as having an anxiety disorder (as most people with ASD do)
I do encounter intrusive thoughts more frequently to normal people (and yes, apparently normal people also suffer from intrusive thoughts, according to the expert psychologist who wrote the book on intrusive thoughts that i read, which interestingly enough was called "intrusive thoughts!"...)

nonetheless, i do think that they are annoying


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26 Feb 2021, 2:36 pm

I would be very greatful if someone could explain exactly what Echolalia means for them. Repeating what exactly, for example:

repetition of another person's spoken words?

repetition of your own words or thoughts?

repetition / recalling of a piece of music?

repetition of something off the TV or radio?

For example I have delayed Echolalia, I repeat sounds and rhythmic phrases heard in the past that I find either amusing for myself or to get attention from those I trust.


Last edited by quaker on 26 Feb 2021, 2:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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26 Feb 2021, 2:37 pm

It can be all that you just said.

I, for example, sometimes repeat phrases that I've either made up or heard somewhere.

One of them is: "I am the Wolfman.....indeed I am!"


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26 Feb 2021, 2:47 pm

quaker wrote:
I would be very greatful if someone could explain exactly Echolalia means for them. Repeating what exactly, for example:

repetition of another person's spoken words?

repetition of your own words or thoughts?

repetition of something off the TV or radio?


I repeat sounds animals make (especially cats), things from media I like (cartoons and video games), and sometimes my own words/thoughts (usually sentence fragments or the last word I used).


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26 Feb 2021, 4:40 pm

Oh, but let us not forget about Coprolalia:

Which I don't have, but it makes me sick how Hollywood likes to make people think anyone with Tourette syndrome has and it's all just hilarious hijinks. Although, admittedly one of my favorite words is, f**k followed very closely by s**t: they help make things so much more descriptive :P



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26 Feb 2021, 5:47 pm

quaker wrote:
I would be very greatful if someone could explain exactly what Echolalia means for them. Repeating what exactly, for example:

repetition of another person's spoken words?

repetition of your own words or thoughts?

repetition / recalling of a piece of music?

repetition of something off the TV or radio?

For example I have delayed Echolalia, I repeat sounds and rhythmic phrases heard in the past that I find either amusing for myself or to get attention from those I trust.


Thanks for the quick overview.. that is pretty much it in short.


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26 Feb 2021, 5:49 pm

DIVAIR wrote:
Oh, but let us not forget about Coprolalia:

Which I don't have, but it makes me sick how Hollywood likes to make people think anyone with Tourette syndrome has and it's all just hilarious hijinks. Although, admittedly one of my favorite words is, f**k followed very closely by s**t: they help make things so much more descriptive :P


LoL! f**k and s**t are words I blurt out ... usually loud and the worst time, like on public transport, malls, etc.. ends up with me covering my mouth then saying aww stuff or oops :lol:


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26 Feb 2021, 7:52 pm

Danusaurus wrote:
LoL! f**k and s**t are words I blurt out ... usually loud and the worst time, like on public transport, malls, etc.. ends up with me covering my mouth then saying aww stuff or oops :lol:

Sorry to hear that mate :cry: It's hard enough for me when people stare at me while I tic: which isn't all that bad, but still crappy--SIGHHHHH! :(