Is there anywhere left where you can go without getting crap
I was stood in a cue today, waiting to be served by the cafe owner.
Minding my own business.
A guy joined the cue a few paces behind me.
I continued to mind my own business but keeping aware of the people around me (as you need to).
A young woman turned up and walked over to the guy in the cue. Said something to the guy behind me in the cue,
and pointed at me.
The guy then turned to me and gave me a nasty look.
Both these people I have never met. We had no history.
So... WTF! Why do people be suck dick heads!
I didn't bite on this, although i know people who would. I was tempted to pull these people up on their attitudes.
As them what their beef is?! But I am not the one with the problem. Even though I am bigger than the guy and trained in martial arts. I am not a bully, but I am also not on this planet to be bullied by such jerk offs.
I do have a bit of taxi driver in me, especially when i am feeling the full effect of the crap ASD life.
Nonetheless, i didn't bite.
But it does get really tiring to get crap off random people on a daily basis.
It is this type of treatment that makes people like me decide to self isolate
as you get fed up with dick heads giving you bull s**t on a daily basis
but also seeing douche bags get on in life while you get crapped on by everyone
without a reason but prejudice does suck
but hey
i know there are some nice people left on the planet
even some in the island that i live
but you gotta dig deep
i wish these people weren't such jerks
That would piss me off too. I mean, what's there to point at and make faces at a guy who's just standing in a queue minding his own business?
But I think I'd get more self-conscious if they were laughing, rather than giving dirty looks. But it's still inappropriate. Why do NTs do it? Would they like it if you did that to them? No.
I live on a small island
people know your business before you do
especially when others make up your business
the problem with confrontation is that some people if they are being nasty often then turn your questioning into an another excuse to abuse you and that can lead to escalation to something worse.
I am hypersensitive to sound, so if people start raising voices to me, it can have a really bad effect on me.
can make me go into fight, flight response, or should i say "fight" mode for me
you know, if you get mistreated since you are born, it often has either one of two affects on a persons behaviour
they either cower away, and back down or they become aggressive. I usually get aggressive
i am trying my best to avoid escalation, as although people who are being jerk offs perhaps deserve being told what jerk offs they are or even having their ears boxed. I do not deserve to get arrested for sticking up for myself
as the police often do not see such activities as favourable and usually take the side of the young woman
especially if they are manipulative and dishonest. all good looking woman have to do is flutter their eye lids or worse still, start crying and bingo, everything is automatically the fault of the person with ASD.
To make matters worse, due to the amount of money there is in the island i live, some of the police are corrupt
and go out their way to victimise people who don't fit in the conventional conservative profile... so what can you do.
You should have. At least you should have asked what you did wrong and that would give you a clue as to what to improve.
Here you are asking us and we can only guess, but those people actually saw you. So you should have asked the source.
that's what i would do too. obviously you did something that that lady thought was bad, that's why she pointed at you, maybe you didn't do it with bad intention and you may not have been aware of making a disrespectful thing. this happens to me too, and i always ask for clarification so that i can correct my behaviour. we have to learn how to live people, isolating ourselves from the world is not healthy
Minding my own business.
A guy joined the cue a few paces behind me.
I continued to mind my own business but keeping aware of the people around me (as you need to).
A young woman turned up and walked over to the guy in the cue. Said something to the guy behind me in the cue,
and pointed at me.
The guy then turned to me and gave me a nasty look.
Both these people I have never met. We had no history.
So... WTF! Why do people be suck dick heads!
It sounds a lot like a gang-stalker setup, to me.
Assuming I am correct, you did the right thing by ignoring them.
These ratbags simply want some sort of reaction.
"Don't feed the trolls."
The strength is in not reacting.
It frustrates the hell out of them when you ignore them.
Nonetheless, i didn't bite.
That was the best thing you could have done, imo.
Yep, but eventually, it is water off a duck's back, as long and it doesn't turn dangerous.
as you get fed up with dick heads giving you bull s**t on a daily basis
The message in the movie 'War Games" is that the only way 'you' can win is not to play the game.
I came to the inescapable conclusion that if you don't want to be a performing 'animal', the only real option is to become a hikikomori/hermit, which is what I have become.
I.E. I don't play the game, wherever possible.
The gang-stalkers will try every trick in the book to get you to engage, and it will frustrate the shite out of them if you don't.
I guess *that* is the only win people like you and I can get out of the situation. [shrug]
without a reason but prejudice does suck
"As a species, humanity is an abomination."
I have simply come to accept that inescapable fact. [shrug]
C'est la vie.
i know there are some nice people left on the planet
even some in the island that i live
but you gotta dig deep
i wish these people weren't such jerks
What I have found is you might meet these 'nice' people, but they can be taken out of your life through hypnotic suggestion whenever our mind-rapists choose.
They can make relationships, and they can break them.
You get to the point where you ask yourself "why bother?"
Mate, based on what you have said over the time I have become aware of you, it is clear you have been chosen to be a 'performing animal' like myself.
It becomes less feral once it is clear that you have 'served your time' and won't be in a position to have children, however.
As I said, as a species, humanity is an abomination.
But I think I'd get more self-conscious if they were laughing, rather than giving dirty looks. But it's still inappropriate. Why do NTs do it? Would they like it if you did that to them? No.
He is being gang-stalked.
I am convinced of that.
This is what gang-stalkers do.
Consider them real-life trolls.
Don't feed the trolls.
Human psychology is a disgrace.
C'est la vie. [shrug]
I am convinced that what is happening to madbutnotmad isn't the sort of random thing that is happening to you and most people.
He is a victim of organised gang-stalking, like me.
I believe I know why *I* have been selected for this *cough* 'Privilege' *cough*.
I am not sure why he has been.
You should have. At least you should have asked what you did wrong and that would give you a clue as to what to improve.
Here you are asking us and we can only guess, but those people actually saw you. So you should have asked the source.
I strongly disagree.
Asking gang-stalkers for an explanation will simply mean they will gaslight 'you'.
'You' will get nothing out of the exchange, and they will have won because they achieved a response out of you.
These are real-life trolls.
"Don't feed the trolls."
My best advice for anyone in a situation like this is to wear a bodycam to record the harassment.
Gang-stalkers are extremely camera shy.
people know your business before you do
especially when others make up your business
the problem with confrontation is that some people if they are being nasty often then turn your questioning into an another excuse to abuse you and that can lead to escalation to something worse.
It can be a setup to make you look bad.
This has been done to me countless times.
can make me go into fight, flight response, or should i say "fight" mode for me
And then *they* win.
Keep in mind that your response is probably being recorded and will be used against you.
It will probably be shown to other people who may be sympathetic to you in order to turn them against you.
This is the story of my life.
they either cower away, and back down or they become aggressive. I usually get aggressive
To what end?
If they are working as a gang, you simply can't win if you let them get an emotional response out of you.
You are 'feeding' them.
You getting arrested and made to look like you are mentally ill would be their primary goal.
"Don't let the bastards win."
especially if they are manipulative and dishonest. all good looking woman have to do is flutter their eye lids or worse still, start crying and bingo, everything is automatically the fault of the person with ASD.
As I keep on saying, 'you' can't win in a situation like this.
Keep your bodycam on.
Gang-stalkers hate it.
and go out their way to victimise people who don't fit in the conventional conservative profile... so what can you do.
Last edited by Pepe on 03 Mar 2021, 7:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
You should have. At least you should have asked what you did wrong and that would give you a clue as to what to improve.
Here you are asking us and we can only guess, but those people actually saw you. So you should have asked the source.
that's what i would do too. obviously you did something that that lady thought was bad, that's why she pointed at you, maybe you didn't do it with bad intention and you may not have been aware of making a disrespectful thing. this happens to me too, and i always ask for clarification so that i can correct my behaviour. we have to learn how to live people, isolating ourselves from the world is not healthy
There is more happening here than this simple exchange.
madbutnotmad may enlighten you in regard to his previous life experiences.