kraftiekortie wrote:
A person who presents a relatively neat appearance, wears clean clothes, and is not slovenly in general----appeals to me more than somebody who doesn't look like he/she takes showers, is dirty in general, and walks around like he/she doesn't care about his/her self.
^ This. Sometimes it's appropriate to judge someone by their appearance, and sometimes it's also a safe thing to do. If you're approached on the street by someone who comes off as someone who's drunk or taking drugs, will you play it safe and try to stay away from that person or will you treat them just like you'd treat everyone else just because there's a chance that the person's completely harmless after all? I wouldn't take that chance. If that means that I'm judging people unfairly then too bad, my safety matters to me more than other people's feelings.
As for the situation in the first post, it was wrong to laugh at that woman, regardless of if she was an NT or ND. She was simply caring about hygiene, which is important. I know some countries and areas have low hygiene standards, and people who made fun of that woman could have been from such places, but still.