Sort of a take on the "mansplaining" that women get sometimes on subjects like mechanical matters, or sports...
When you're in some social situation with others (NTs) and one of them responds in an oblique way (you know, that "up to 93% of communication is unspoken" cliche...) to something you've said or done (or omitted to do on cue), then peers notice that confounded look on your face as you're like "hmm, I know there's something beyond the actual words as to this person's feeling, but I can't quite put my finger on it" - then some random NT peer chimes in "he/she said that because he/she thinks you're cheap / you could help them carry that stuff in their house / because she just had a big fight with her boyfriend and you started talking about a random topic you like" etc. etc...
Funny thing is, some of the time I knew very close to or exactly what the underlying sentiment was, but I still got "NT-splained" - maybe it's because I was lacking the "passmark" to be regarded as within the normal range of NT-ness, so they felt compelled to "NT-splain", or it might have been deliberately rude condescension, or both - who could say
I mostly got this in my late teens and twenties, and it gradually subsided by taking a multi-disciplinary/pronged approach to the problem.
But even before my diagnosis with Aspergers at 2001, I had the presence of mind to couch it in a little white lie, by responding to the NT-splaining with a pat phrase like "yyyeeahhh...I sort of sensed that was the case , but I couldn't tell for sure" or "oh, no, that's...what I thought - wasn't a pleasant or palatable thought, oh man..." (then appear ashamed).
One time in the early 90s when I was starting uni/college, we went to some pub patio and being a poor freshman student, I paid for my lunch and left a bit of a tip, just 75 cents on some $8 bill some of which was paid for in quarters and loonies (in Canada, that's a $1 coin) telling the waitress what I'd given to be helpful and her reply was "Yes, I can count." After I turned to another older student with a bewildered look, he said to me "she thinks you were cheap because you gave her coins." - my literal thinking that money is money is money, and it's not like I gave it to her in nickels or pennies, I mean seriously??! !? And yes the tip was just short of 10%, but I'm a poor student... it was in a student ghetto area...
Now mind you, there were times on someone "NT-splaining" some nuanced response to me that I felt compelled to retort "well why didn't he/you/she just SAY that - we're not in Japan". But I held my tongue, lest I invite increased hostility or assault or other adverse consequences