Of not-NT's
Being elderly-ancient is non-NT. Being usual, common, average and such may be "typical" but is "only" statistical. My non-usualness was made an Asperger-ism, then destroyed and diffused, and now lost, into Spectrum-ism.
But my me-ness remains unaffected. So I now define myself, as right for me, and let the demographers find a clump of such to statisticate upon if they can. I found no such clump, but that's a pre-google search and uses terms not yet googlified. Sorry, all true.
One may define by what's true or what's not. By the NT's I'm a what's "not". By my "me", I'm some mix of things true and "relevant" to me. (There is nothing relevantly so in NT-ing.)
In the relevant-true there is the MBTI. I comfortably fit in the INTP/INTP bin as a so called INXP. Rarish it's said. But so?
I find ethings interesting and worthy and most else not. Crowds are all things, animal-vegetable-mineral-ish, greater than three and are chaosticly of no use.
Ideas and their absraction is all powerful and important. Why this is not known is incoprehensible So, just carry on so?