I like the presentation you've achieved with your blog, the choice of colours, pictures and layout.
As for the content, I noticed you express a sense of failure a lot. You were probably more ambitious than I ever was. I think I've always tended to take things one small step at a time and ignored what's beyond that until I'm closer to it.
I agree with you about life being quite open to chance events. When I look back at how I got to where I am, a lot of it just happened to me. For example, somebody said I'd picked a good job for an Aspie. But all that had happened was that I had to do something when I left school, so I took the first job that came along. Obviously it had to match my qualifications. I remember feeling glad that there was no dress code and that it was interesting work. But there wasn't a plan. I was just hoping to hang onto the job as long as I could, no career path or anything. A lot of my activity is about stopping things from getting any worse. It probably sounds quite a negative way of life, but I'm not unhappy.
I also agree about being yourself and not trying too hard to fit in. It's almost beyond belief how much I've let people come to me rather than the other way round. Probably explains why things took ages to happen. I don't mean I absolutely never tried to make anything happen, but I'm not very proactive, I'm more reactive. I wait for others to provide the starting point and then put my energy into developing that. It works surprisingly well for me.