I am 28 yo and after extensive research of Asperger's (it's all I do when I am home!) I have come to the realization that I have it.
This for me is a relieving but confusing prognosis as I did not know much about autism (and the spectrum) until this point, but I am learning.
I feel a strong need for an official diagnosis even though I know it isn't necessary but right now I feel like I am floating around in limbo, not "normal" [i.e. NT] and not officially an aspie.
I want a diagnosis so I can feel I belong somewhere, as I told my sister [an NT] I want to be categorized. Otherwise I just feel like I don't belong anywhere...
I also have not told anyone else that I think I have Asperger's [save my sister] as a part of me feels I would be "lying" about it [i.e. since I don't know officially] and I just cannot bring myself to do that. I even felt bad telling my sister and it was really hard to even grasp what words I wanted to say.
I guess I really just don't know where to go from here. I am working on obtaining a diagnosis but I've gotten no where--fast. If anyone has any advice as to any steps I can take, it would be appreciated. I've emailed several sites but the only one who has replied was in the UK
. And I live pretty far away from any sources of help, though I will commute if I must as long as they're covered under my insurance.
I just feel so lost right now... Where can I go to start?