Asperger's Diagnosis...I know, another one...

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08 Aug 2007, 12:36 pm

I am 28 yo and after extensive research of Asperger's (it's all I do when I am home!) I have come to the realization that I have it.
This for me is a relieving but confusing prognosis as I did not know much about autism (and the spectrum) until this point, but I am learning.
I feel a strong need for an official diagnosis even though I know it isn't necessary but right now I feel like I am floating around in limbo, not "normal" [i.e. NT] and not officially an aspie.
I want a diagnosis so I can feel I belong somewhere, as I told my sister [an NT] I want to be categorized. Otherwise I just feel like I don't belong anywhere...
I also have not told anyone else that I think I have Asperger's [save my sister] as a part of me feels I would be "lying" about it [i.e. since I don't know officially] and I just cannot bring myself to do that. I even felt bad telling my sister and it was really hard to even grasp what words I wanted to say.
I guess I really just don't know where to go from here. I am working on obtaining a diagnosis but I've gotten no where--fast. If anyone has any advice as to any steps I can take, it would be appreciated. I've emailed several sites but the only one who has replied was in the UK :? . And I live pretty far away from any sources of help, though I will commute if I must as long as they're covered under my insurance.
I just feel so lost right now... Where can I go to start?


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08 Aug 2007, 12:44 pm

Hey myczarina, coming here was a good place to start! Welcome :D

I came here hoping to find a place to fit in as well, and am looking for a diagnosis for the same reason. You will undoubtedly feel at home on WP.

You will find many people who can help you on WP. Someone more knowledgeable than I will offer advice as to where to go from here.

Take care!

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08 Aug 2007, 1:51 pm

Welcome to WP!


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08 Aug 2007, 2:11 pm

OK, first thing, welcome to Wrong Planet.

Since it seems you know your way around a psychology textbook I have a suggestion for you, talk with your doctor and ask him to suggest a psychiatrist. At your appointment discuss with the psychiatrist your findings and then hopefully you will get a formal diagnosis of your condition.

I'm asking this because it's something that should have happened with me, but in the early 1980s AS was not as well known and so my psychiatrist missed it and diagnosed 'reactive depression' instead. The thing was,m I was depressed because AS had such a negative effect on my life.

Go for it. Chat to the shrink. Be nice.

Ed Almos


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08 Aug 2007, 4:04 pm



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08 Aug 2007, 7:03 pm

Thanks for the greetings and the advice. I tend to get stressed out very easily...
Anyway, I can't imagine why I didn't think of this before, but I know someone who's son was just diagnosed with Asperger's. I am going to send her an email and get some advice.