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22 Jul 2007, 8:44 pm

well, here goes. I am self diagnosed AS. I have taken internet test after test and have come up positive every time. that is all hearsay. I want to know if there is a way to get documentation, or an official diagnosis. The real reason i would like to have this is so i can show it to my parents. This is something they probably need to know about. Sure, i am thirty years old, but i dont want to sound crazy to them. In the past, they have dismissed a lot of things i have said. It has been a mystery why i dont like people touching me, or what is causing panic attacks. etc. I have just felt misunderstood for a long old time in my family.

I want to make sure they dont think i am making it up.


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22 Jul 2007, 8:54 pm

You should probably see a qualified psychiatrist or psychologist for that the 'official' diagnosis. Internet tests just don't have the credentials to convince parents.


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22 Jul 2007, 9:42 pm

It will be costly to get an official diagnosis (which is why I haven't.) But since I don't plan on getting disability or anything, I've simply used this knowledge to find work, etc., that works for me. As to family and friends, my mother didn't believe me, either (and I'm 32.) So instead of trying to court her acknowledgement, I've asked, is it worth it to spend money I don't have to convince her? Bottom line: If you're convinced, take the knowledge you have of yourself to adapt what you have to do to your needs. If you feel you need a diagnosis, or need it for legal reasons, do what you have to, but do it for your own certainty, not others.

Ironically, btw...this may help you...I came to a self-diagnosis after years (since childhood, living across country, being around different people) of other people noting my differences, including the "diagnosis" of non-professionals such as parents, co-workers, romantic involvements, etc, of everything from manic depression to dyslexia. Everyone's an expert. But when I came to a self-diagnosis after years of this, and finally finding the reason for other's judgements, all of a sudden those same people are ready to dismiss what I had to say (to be fair, not all...usually the ones who have a personal motive, such as my mom, for dismissing it.)

Last edited by Spaceplayer on 22 Jul 2007, 10:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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22 Jul 2007, 9:58 pm

Welcome to WP. I agree with Spaceplayer, if you obtain a diagnosis do it for yourself, and having a diagnosis, official or otherwise, may not help you in relationships. I told several close friends that I think I have AS. They were perfectly comfortable thinking I had anxiety, depression, and general eccentricities. However, when I said I might have AS - I was suddenly not the same person. Of the four people I told two are no longer close and the other two now occasionally question my competency. Please be careful. .vf.


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22 Jul 2007, 10:49 pm

virtus_furtim wrote:
Welcome to WP. I agree with Spaceplayer, if you obtain a diagnosis do it for yourself, and having a diagnosis, official or otherwise, may not help you in relationships. I told several close friends that I think I have AS. They were perfectly comfortable thinking I had anxiety, depression, and general eccentricities. However, when I said I might have AS - I was suddenly not the same person. Of the four people I told two are no longer close and the other two now occasionally question my competency. Please be careful. .vf.


It's pretty obvious I think differently. I always knew it. It makes programming computers second nature. My bosses, ad customers, know it, and appreciate it! Many have called me a GENIUS! Past experience says that if I told them I had AS, they would reassess EVERYTHING! It isn't a change, but simply an explanation. Oh well. I guess I am happy with it being a mystery to others.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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22 Jul 2007, 10:55 pm

Here's a thought. Why not print off a few of these tests and let them take it. Tell them to think about how you are as a person and respond to each question as it relates to YOU.

They should know you pretty well, and they should know most of your traits.

If you truly have AS, they will be able to answer those questions about you very easily.


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23 Jul 2007, 12:54 pm

all good ideas.. thanks. i am having dinner with my mom and dad tonight.. I will let My husband bring it up. if he wants too. he's an aspie too. Either they will believe it or not. Mom's been trying to analyze me for years anyways.

This font is irritating the heck out of me. does the letter 't' have to be so clingy. and the c for that matter. stupid touchie-feely font.