HankPym: I am so sad for u, i cant beleive u r homeless
Im sorry, do u have friends/family u can talk to
I have an obsession with time, its hard to explain but, in 1980, u were 20 years old correct????
They could not help u out??
WHat was it like it u dont mind, i mean, how did u end up homless, i bet u r intelligent, resourcefull, u have to be to survive without a home, u have nowhere else to turn???
If I was born between now and 15 years ago, well... i would also hope for more understanding of autism, i cant imagine how u and older adults feel, but i know, like many others my age (im about to turn 25) that we were diagnosed during the early understaning of autism, if i am correct, as far as being able to tell the symptoms as a small child go.
I'mrather time-obsessed myself .
Thank you
Yes,I was 20 in 1980.
Iam from NYState(Westchester County),basically,my adult family is all gone.
It must be so hard going thru life if u were born earler, not being able to be dx'ed until much later in life. Im soo sad for those that r older, who's life did not/could not turn out as it should have...