There May be a genetic predisposition that makes our nervous systems more susceptible to developing ASD.
It's been My experience, as well as observation in others, that it isn't vaccines in infancy that triggers the development of ASD - it's antibiotics.
Many of us have ear infections as infants, myself included, far more than the average newborn. They're treated with course after course of antibiotics. Antibiotics kill off the bacterial infections, and in many cases are life saving, but they Also kill off our healthy gut bacteria - and then with a digestive imbalance, a void with no beneficial bacteria as seeds to grow a balanced gut flora garden that assists in enteric nervous system function, undesirable things like yeasts & fungi grow instead, disrupting enteric nervous system signals and functions, rupturing the 2 cell thick (thin?) intestinal lining and causing leaky gut, which further trips out the enteric nervous system.. making signals go unsent or others to be wrong etc etc etc.
I've been treating my ASD symptoms via treating the gut dysbiosis for the last ~9 years with what can only be described as "miraculous results," hence stating so and sticking to my lived truth story for the last ~8.5 years here.
I Also managed to prevent ASD from developing in an infant that was presenting with classic infant signs of ASD at~12 months of age after a mega dose of antiobiotics to clear a full body systemic infection. Without telling them why, I advised his parents to feed him tons of organic coconut oil for weeks (gentlest antifungal to kill off anything bad that may have began to take root) & then feed him tons and tons and tons of powdered multi-strain probiotics with every meal for a good solid few months. They did, and bit by bit I watched him bounce back to neurotypical baby healthy like watering a plant someone neglected while on vacation. He's 9 now, totally NT, rippin' it up on the soccer field and afaik doing very well in school and the rest of life. It was only a year or two ago that I told his dad, my best friend of 22 years, why I was so insistent that they counter the antibiotics with coconut oil & mass amounts of probiotics. That little boy is my single greatest accomplishment EVER. Maybe someday I'll tell him about it. (and FYI if there's an inherited genetic component it comes from his maternal grandmother - but the inherited component may not be genetic; it may be his mothers' gut flora, which she would have inherited from her mother etc.)
So yeah, many aren't born with it.. but it's not vaccines -> it's antibiotics. A handful of ASD medical studies that have been published over the last 9 years have all pointed to the exact same conclusions, right down to the common chemical sensitivity I discovered in myself along my journey. (salicylate acid sensitivity) Studies have also been done w/ what I predicted several years ago, too, which are FMT (fecal matter transplants) to re-populate the guts of autistic children with healthy beneficial bacteria.. with a follow up 2 years later resulting in the 200 children in that study remaining subclinical/off the autism spectrum.
for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.