I have never heard of Sluggish Cognitive Tempo but I'm ASD and combined-type ADHD.
I started ADHD meds last year and I feel much more awake, although my thoughts are still jumbled and I still have problems with executive function.
Prone to daydreaming --- constantly, I'm a space cadet
Easily confused or mentally foggy -- yes
Spacey or inattentive to surroundings -- yes spacey, but I also have a keen attention for detail
Mind seems to be elsewhere -- always
Stares blankly into space -- yes, teased about it all my life
Underactive, slow moving or sluggish --yes, to an extent (but my mind is racing)
Lethargic or less energetic -- before I started ADHD meds, yes
Trouble staying awake or alert -- I have insomnia so I don't fall asleep, but I was always tired pre-ADHD meds
Has drowsy or sleepy appearance -- yes, because of looking spacey and not doing eye contact
Gets lost in own thoughts -- always
Apathetic or withdrawn, less engaged in activities -- withdrawn from social stuff, but not personal stuff
Loses train of thought or cognitive set -- I don't have a train of thought, ever
Processes information not as quickly or accurately -- My task processing speed was timed as average on ADHD test but it takes me a long time to process thoughts or emotions
On my EEG scans they said I had abnormal slow waves in my temporal lobes?
I have no idea what that means (nor did they), but maybe it's related?
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.