ToughDiamond wrote:
The really stupid thing is that masks don't make much difference to the risk of spreading the virus.
well, there is also the issue of some doctors saying germ-a-phobia not being the ticket to a healthy immune system.
This lines up with my own experience for the only thing I ever get, the common cold.*
Not sure about Covid, and not going to find out when everyone is arguing lower level nonsense about Masks and stuff.
Good to see a few can see the nonsense, thanks TD
* Im not germaphobic, but alternate between Isolating and full socializing, sharing joints with hobolos and stuff.
after going from isolating for a long period to being around people and sharing joints, I get colds fairly easily.
But after going full hobolo for months, I shake off every cold - the colds try but cant take root.
on the same topic, the hobolos all share tobacco and drugs while not social distancing, and are not getting sick..