Here wrote:
Does anybody notice patterns within seemingly random images? Noticing constellation-like patterns is an example of pattern-recognition abilities.
Any recommendations for specific websites / research into the brain's pattern recognition abilities?
This is a very common occurrence. The question could be easily answered by reading through any of the boards on any given day here. There are an abundance of posts where individuals ask if some random thing fits the pattern they see. (i.e. conspiracy theories, hearing voices in sounds, random incompatible events forming specific patterns). It isn't limited to people with autism either, everyone does it to some extent or another daily. What isn't common is Systematic thinking(1) also known as Pattern thinking, because it expends to much energy and time as opposed to Patternicity.
(1) Making sense of challenging situations and developing simplistic solutions to overcome them, it enables people who practice it to gain significantly deeper insights by exploring the patterns that are underlying and governing a situation.
For example Patternicity would see a big puffy cloud as a horse, Systematic thinking would see the interactions of wind, temperatures, pressure, humidity, etc. as the cause for the Cumulus cloud to take that shape and if they didn't know they would research/test till they did have a rational answer. Often times when someone is referring to someone with autism being a "pattern thinker" it is the Systematic thinking they are referring to. Which is why you have the "stereotype" of people with autism being good with computers, math, and science which requires heavy amounts of Systematic thinking. Systematic thinking is also what is often being referred to when someone says another is caught up on the details rather than seeing the big picture.