ezbzbfcg2 wrote:
To some extend, diagnoses seem somewhat arbitrary between different psychologists. Is it possible for one shrink to say, "I think you have PTSD," and another to say, "I think you have depression." for example ?
I ask, because I'm seeing a shrink, hoping to get my foot in the door with Autism. What he claims is he has the right to diagnose or not diagnose as he sees fit and that other shrinks may simply ignore his diagnosis and diagnose based on their own findings.
I told him flat out that I'm not fishing for any diagnosis, but it seems sloppy to have so much potential for inconsistency...and the whole situation seems conducive to misdiagnosis, and NOT actually getting a correct diagnosis.
Psychiatric diagnosing is always changing. It's wrong to assume there is one, single, incontrovertible, diagnosis that all "good" practitioners agree on. Also, to diagnose or not diagnose as a shrink sees fit, actually works in the client's favor. In some cases a diagnosis might work against a client, in other cases work for them.
I guarantee you, in 20 years time the field will have changed yet again.
A finger in every pie.