My oven makes an intermittent click sound as it heats up. I've seen people complain about it in the reviews, but I love it. It reminds me that something's cooking so it's comforting. It's relaxing that I can just sit and wait without having to stand there using a frypan or stirring a pot.
I love the sound of wind or any storm including thunder, hail, etc.
I love the sound of someone else putting away the dishes after washing up. It reminds me of when I was little and my mother would be cleaning the kitchen when I went to bed. Very soothing. Normally I hate clinking dishes but when it's the orderly sound of putting away cutlery or plates, it's calming to me.
Wind chimes, especially the bamboo ones, but also the dainty metal ones if they're at a distance.
Church bells. Including the instrument of church / hand bells used in choirs.
Vinyl records, when they make that scratch sound (but not when they skip).
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.