My best therapist is a social worker in a mental health dept. She's retiring, and she tried to assure me that another social worker would not be abusive like the nurses here. I replied "Oh, yeah, no Dunning-Kruger in MY profession!" She had to laugh, and didn't really mind being corrected. We have always had a mutual-learning relationship; I like that people without a PhD are still allowed to say "I don't know." Mostly, she has been a good listener, motivating me to keep trying to explain my situation, and has given feedback on which trends are healthy in thinking. She also helps me interpret the local people, having had similar troubles over moving to a small town.
I would really prefer a male therapist who understands that people react to men with troubles differently than to women, and is able to do some analytical thinking, looking at the details of specific problems for clues.
I think that most therapists are hopeless at trying to diagnose a mixed condition. Even after Aspies made it to the DSM, nobody even mentioned it to me for a decade - I ran across the key by chance, while trying to explain our mother to my sister. This one did give me the usual wording of "Attachment Disorder" after I'd taken to describing one of my other patterns as "Romanian Orphan Syndrome."