Jakki wrote:
Wish could offer advise.. other than retalitory measures which might inglame the situation, you sound like the gathering evidence thing is the best course of action. Have been in a similiar situation that was unresolvable . And many people suggested that i move but found , i was so established in that location , that moving was not a option .
Must caution you if they get the feeling that their efforts are working to annoy you . It may only encourage them. Be consistent in your gathering information , times and dates will be valuable later.
Is necessary take steps to insure your own physical protection . It may alleviate some of you own anxieties . Being obvious about taking a picture of the man in the front of your building might be helpful. But that could raise your anxiety abit .. Being a Aspie . often will cause a much higher stress response than in a average person. Might talk to your local chemist or doctor about meds that can reduce anxiety. Hope fully as a short term solution .
As a side note your noises you create on a floor that is someone elses ceiling are magnified considerably in volume than someone below , attempting the same noises. A pair of hearing protectors used in target shooting are very effective noise elimination tool. Easy to obtain from Amazon .
Thank you Jakki, I might talk to my doctor about it.
I have some ear defenders already thank you, and wear them every time I go to the bathroom.
Yes, Slow Walking Man only appeared once they knew I wore a bodycam, so yes it did encourage them.