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15 Nov 2004, 6:04 pm

How do you cope with boredom? Since I really don't have any friends and my solitary activities don't bring me very much pleasure at all, I find I am frequently very bored. It's like each day is the same as the one before it. I don't do very much at all except attend class and do homework. I even find myself to be extremely dull and uninteresting. So, what do you guys do?

Emu Egg
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15 Nov 2004, 7:17 pm

Whenever I feel bored, I try to switch to my "videogame"-view of the world. Then I am amazed by the enormous resolution, the infinite-channel surround sound, the textures, light and shadow etc. Reality is just much more realistic than the best games I ever played. I also try to capture these impressions with my digicam, looking for the motivs that make the world look "realistic" for me.

Of course, that doesn't work everyday, so I also have other timekillers. Programing for example. For me, there is no way to spend an afternoon subjectivly faster than by creating some more or less useless code. I start somtime after lunch and -whooosh- before I know it is 2 AM in the morning. (Like today)


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15 Nov 2004, 8:24 pm

Zebulon wrote:
Of course, that doesn't work everyday, so I also have other timekillers. Programing for example. For me, there is no way to spend an afternoon subjectivly faster than by creating some more or less useless code. I start somtime after lunch and -whooosh- before I know it is 2 AM in the morning. (Like today)

I have to write a C++ program using BSD sockets for a computer science class. I can't even motivate myself to write more than a line of code.


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15 Nov 2004, 8:49 pm

I actually get bored easily. I'm much happier now; between my college English class (great teacher) and this site. Maybe you could see if the local rec. center has a class you would like or have never tried. I think learning new and different things is exciting.

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15 Nov 2004, 9:35 pm

I agree, trying something new is always exciting. Is there anything that you've always kind of wanted to try? I always wanted to try martial arts, so a few years ago I joined a tae kwon do class and loved it (I've had to quit since starting college, but I'm definately going back someday). Are there any extracirricular clubs that interest you on campus? I've joined a few and they've kept me pretty busy. Sometimes when I'm bored I just invent something to do, like cooking (with some pretty scary results) or turning on music and prancing around (also with scary results); also sometimes I just go to the library or a video store and peruse through the books and movies, or websurf. Sometimes I discover new interests that way- I found my interest in political satire that way ( links to all the best poli satire sites on the web!). You never know what you might find, and I'm sure that you're really not dull or uninteresting at all, it sounds like you just haven't found any activities that click with you.


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15 Nov 2004, 10:50 pm

For a cure to boredom, I will purse reading up on one of my intrests (if I can)

midge wrote:
I agree, trying something new is always exciting.

Trying new stuff scares the crap out of me since that means change, and change has always been a difficult thing for me to deal with. Plus it means new experiences for me to which I'm unaccustomed to, and have no idea how to react to.

It shows to, on the day I moved into college, I nearly went insane trying to deal with the move-in.

Although I'd like to think that I've gotten better over the years, although I still have my rituals I need to follow.

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16 Nov 2004, 10:41 pm

Read. Research. Books or online. Whatever my current favorite topic happens to be. Actually, I rarely get bored. There's always so much to just think about! 8O


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17 Nov 2004, 1:38 am

    Read a book
    Go for a walk
    Play video games
    Visit my friends
    Go shopping
    Make crafts
    Listen to music
    Watch a movie
    Watch TV
    Surf the internet
    Chat with family
    chat on MSN

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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21 Nov 2004, 6:05 pm

I've learned to embrace bordom, and be happy that I am.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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29 Nov 2004, 2:04 pm

Often I will just sit. Thats it just sit and think I find a good window or just a good chair and sit for half and hour or and hour until I think of something. I enjoy this very much.

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29 Nov 2004, 7:32 pm

Sounds like you're suffering from depression NeantHumain.

When I'm REALLY depressed, (I'm always mildly depressed), activities that I used to find enjoyable are boring to me.


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30 Nov 2004, 12:27 am

hale_bopp wrote:
    Read a book
    Go for a walk
    Play video games
    Visit my friends
    Go shopping
    Make crafts
    Listen to music
    Watch a movie
    Watch TV
    Surf the internet
    Chat with family
    chat on MSN

I enjoy activities much more if I can do them with other people. This poses quite a challenge, though, because I don't have any close friends. Also, sometimes I'm not really in a mood to do something passive like reading a book or watching TV. Sometimes I want to do something a little more active and get out of the house/dormitory.


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30 Nov 2004, 8:14 am

I buy books or comic books.


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28 Jul 2007, 6:26 am

Its just not possible to fool your brain into thinking something that is boring is not. If inattention is the mechanism of boredom then agents that can treat it are the solution. Such as stimulants. Though they have the double edge sword effect of also reducing creativity and other nasty side effects in many.