TheMachine1 wrote:
Mitch8817 wrote:
It says they may include such things. I personally have an overactive imagination. Just as with AS I don't fit all the symptoms. It's not so clear cut.
The math just does not jive. Lack of imagination would have to be rarely observed in alexithymia for 85% of persons with ASD to have it.
Agreed,this is an absurd misunderstanding of AS to continue the falacy that we "lack imagination"....but dont throw out the baby with the bath water(I love that expression..

because I would be tempted to do it).
I was interested in the comorbidities.....IBS,thyroid and other edocrin dysfunctions as well as the CD,sex and eating disorders.I thikn these may have more significance to female AS issues(yes,I realize I am projecting some of my own experiences but here are other females here and a few males who have similiar issues).
I also think the concept of parents with AS exhibiting less facial expressions being a "possible" influence on inphant devlopment of these expressions.The only problem with this is it seems to contridict anther theory that autistics lack "mirror neurons",so would not learn through imitation anyway.???It also doesnt account for those of us who were adopted and "maybe" raised by NTs.
I was often told in couseling that I was not "intouch" with my emotions because I would be laughing or smiling while recounting an experience that they perceived as painful.(but I did sometimes cry at these times)What they didnt seem to understand was that I knew that I was hurt by the experiences I was describing but laughing at the "sheer absurdity of the cruelty the human species".Often I did feel detached from the experience of the person I used to be and felt as if I was just recounting a story in a book I had read.
I was a psych major in school and felt like I knew many NT's who were unaware of their own emotions and often acting from emotional responses that they were totally unaware of.This does not seem like an exclussively aspie trait to me as I think many of us our more aware and interspective of what is motivating our actions.???Just a thought.Actually the whole subject is a bit abstract for me.Maybe I am missing something?
Just because one plane is flying out of formation, doesn't mean the formation is on course....R.D.Lang
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