Has anyone been diagnosed with anything like retardation

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26 Jul 2007, 6:43 pm

I was wondering if anybody on this site was dianosed or misdiagnosed
with Mental Retaration. It could be from a school physcologist or some
idiot who never hard of Aspergers Syndrom.


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26 Jul 2007, 6:56 pm

I was tested for fragile x syndrom like 3 times, all negative, but never diagnosed it. Doctors thought I had some form of retardation, thats why I got tested so many times.


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26 Jul 2007, 7:02 pm

Age1600 wrote:
I was tested for fragile x syndrom like 3 times, all negative, but never diagnosed it. Doctors thought I had some form of retardation, thats why I got tested so many times.

I was dianosed it in Kindergarten and when i got into 6TH grade was
found to have an I.Q of 140 and was dianosed with Aspergers.


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26 Jul 2007, 7:04 pm

I was given the WISC and I tested nearly mentally ret*d in mathematical reasoning, and above-average to gifted in everything else.

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26 Jul 2007, 7:57 pm

gamefreak wrote:
Age1600 wrote:
I was tested for fragile x syndrom like 3 times, all negative, but never diagnosed it. Doctors thought I had some form of retardation, thats why I got tested so many times.

I was dianosed it in Kindergarten and when i got into 6TH grade was
found to have an I.Q of 140 and was dianosed with Aspergers.

You were diagnosed with fragile x syndrom? I didn't know you could actually be misdiagnosed with that. Thats a known genetic disorder meaning a parent has to pass down the gene to their child. So after the child is diagnosed with that, they usually go ahead and try get a diagnosis from one of the parents also. I was adopted so nobody knows anything about my family history, except my blood brother whom lives with me has adhd. The main reason I was suspected on having that because I slow in everything, and fit the criteria to a T.


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26 Jul 2007, 8:35 pm

Age1600 wrote:
gamefreak wrote:
Age1600 wrote:
I was tested for fragile x syndrom like 3 times, all negative, but never diagnosed it. Doctors thought I had some form of retardation, thats why I got tested so many times.

I was dianosed it in Kindergarten and when i got into 6TH grade was
found to have an I.Q of 140 and was dianosed with Aspergers.

You were diagnosed with fragile x syndrom? I didn't know you could actually be misdiagnosed with that. Thats a known genetic disorder meaning a parent has to pass down the gene to their child. So after the child is diagnosed with that, they usually go ahead and try get a diagnosis from one of the parents also. I was adopted so nobody knows anything about my family history, except my blood brother whom lives with me has adhd. The main reason I was suspected on having that because I slow in everything, and fit the criteria to a T.

The school system were i was at didn`t care. They thought body stimulations and
not talking was a part of it. They also didn`t know anything about brain scanning
and just gave me a diagnosis and put me in the special classes. I was also a slow
person and still am.


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26 Jul 2007, 10:06 pm

gamefreak wrote:
Age1600 wrote:
gamefreak wrote:
Age1600 wrote:
I was tested for fragile x syndrom like 3 times, all negative, but never diagnosed it. Doctors thought I had some form of retardation, thats why I got tested so many times.

I was dianosed it in Kindergarten and when i got into 6TH grade was
found to have an I.Q of 140 and was dianosed with Aspergers.

You were diagnosed with fragile x syndrom? I didn't know you could actually be misdiagnosed with that. Thats a known genetic disorder meaning a parent has to pass down the gene to their child. So after the child is diagnosed with that, they usually go ahead and try get a diagnosis from one of the parents also. I was adopted so nobody knows anything about my family history, except my blood brother whom lives with me has adhd. The main reason I was suspected on having that because I slow in everything, and fit the criteria to a T.

The school system were i was at didn`t care. They thought body stimulations and
not talking was a part of it. They also didn`t know anything about brain scanning
and just gave me a diagnosis and put me in the special classes. I was also a slow
person and still am.

Wow thats horrible, sorry to hear that, at least you got the right diagnosis now, so thats good.


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26 Jul 2007, 10:27 pm

I don't know what the teachers thought I was doing with the books I was reading well before kindergarten, but they thought I was ret*d. Mom never let me know until several years after my college degree. When I marched off to my special class, I thought I was going to a higher class and went proudly! Then I was tested in the fifth grade I think and the school found out I was the brightest student they ever had. Or at least the one who was best at taking IQ tests.

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27 Jul 2007, 4:27 am

lelia wrote:
Then I was tested in the fifth grade I think and the school found out I was the brightest student they ever had. Or at least the one who was best at taking IQ tests.

my iq was tested at 154 in the third grade and 110 this year. apparently, that skill goes away with age :D


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27 Jul 2007, 5:07 am

How could fragile X be diagnosed without a blood test?

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27 Jul 2007, 5:26 am

bc1 said:

my iq was tested at 154 in the third grade and 110 this year. apparently, that skill goes away with age

... or the two tests "look" at different aspects of intelligence. In one test that only considers strictly logic/mathematic reasoning I come out in the 150 range, but in another that includes social intelligence (:oops:), I seem to "drop" by about 30 points...!

If I've understood it right, retardation may occur in "hard core" autists, whereas on the contrary, a high IQ is more or less "part of the package" with Asperger's. And since the diagnose of autism has been in the "crazy manual" for about 25 years, misdiagnosed autists (as e.g. ret*ds) ought to be a "dying" race, as they're "turned into" correctly diagnosed auties instead.

Back on topic, yet almost needless to say, I haven't been misdiagnosed as a ret*d. That, by the way, being said with all due respect for ret*ds as well as misdiagnosed non-retards...

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27 Jul 2007, 5:37 am

that would explain it- the test i took when i was a kid included artistic intelligence, and the one i took this year was just math and reading... which means my second score is more meaningful.

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28 Jul 2007, 7:58 am

When I was kid I went through one kind of psychiatric/psychological evaluation after another.
People thought I was ret*d because I wasn't speaking at an age when most kids can make
full sentences, there was talk of having me placed in an institution such as Willowbrook.
Eventually I learned to speak and I developed most of the necessary skills for living.

I've been through this topic before:

richie wrote:
foreignwoman wrote:
Hello! I also thought I was weird, not in touch with my feelings, frustrated about not being able to connect to people and not knowing why, was called a freak as well at times, and rather hurt by that :-), didn't think of myself as shy but others did so things just didn't add up :-) Now luckily they do, for me at least. In the workplace people are also a bit mystified, still saying I'm not a good communicator but at least I'm an effective communicator (so I still don't see what the problem is :-) ) But anyway, the struggle to be accepted continues, it just doesn't drain me so much anymore.

I was described as "ret*d", "Brain damaged", or just "different" by many people when I was growing up.
I was always acting silly or "shutting down", I had (and still have) bad motor coordination, stereotypical
motor habits, emotional and mental "meltdowns", and many sensory issues and other co-morbidities,
(ie: tactile hypersensitivity, migraines and bowel problems). Yet I learned to read before the other
students. I excelled in taking math and science exams, but slow in everything else. I was constantly
bullied by classmates. I survived, I graduated high school, learned a trade, got a job, but I was always
the Outsider looking in. I first learned about Asperger Syndrome, and "Higher Functioning" Autism
through various science journals, through WikiPedia I found out about WrongPlanet.
After forty something years I found a home.
By the way Foreignwoman, acceptance among the "normals" and "Neuro-Typicals" is overrated.
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28 Jul 2007, 10:22 am

When I was very young (around 3 or 4) my parents took me to a psychologist. This was before I started school. The psychologist was pretty nasty to my parents especially when I started playing around with the things on her desk. When the psychologist got upset over this I threw a pretty bad tantrum. The psychologist then states that this child is ret*d! My mom flips out and my dad asks my mom to go outside. The psychologist explains there were many forms of retardation. She refers us to a Psycharist who we did not end up seeing because that psycharist got very sick and died. We saw other clinicians after this.

When I did start school (4 years old) a psycharist over there thought I might of had ADHD. So he prescribed Ritalin to me. When I started on Ritalin I became like a zombie. As soon as this started to occur I was taken off Ritalin.


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28 Jul 2007, 11:40 am

Yes I was at school. I am HFA diagnosed at 30. I have been IQ tested twice at 138 and 141. Tested at 24.


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28 Jul 2007, 1:52 pm

No never diagnosed as ret*d...Was kinda recognised as having above average intelligence at an early age in school..BUT have been called "ret*d" by people my whole life...both jokingly and seriously...