Today was a family reunion for all of my extended family. In all there were over 60 people along with all of my cousins and half-cousins.
Needless to say my cousin are an interesting bunch, some of whom I've never met before.
- I have a 23 year old half cousin who is mildly ret*d
- I have a 13 year old half cousin who can best be described as goofy
The one I was really interested in seeing though was the other 13 year old cousin of mine who has ADHD. My main interest was to see if I could spot anything that suggested an ASD since I was down this road before.
Talking with my aunt/his mom, I found out that he is a classic case ADHD. He lacks the repetetive and stereotyped interests that we on the spectrum have. Instead he has a do this do that do this do that do this personality which is more a hallmark of ADHD. But I did notice a similarity between him and myself in that he seemed to prefer to be alone most of the time and in general avoided intereacting with people, opting instead to spend time inside the house we were at where the environment was subdued and quiet.
I myself had no interest in being around 60 people and having to talk with them. Just being there was stressful for me and when I got home I crashed hard in order to recover.
I spent most of the afternoon away from the adults, supervising the cousins as they played in the pool.
I live my life to prove wrong those who said I couldn't make it in life...