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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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27 Dec 2021, 2:54 pm

I am new to this forum and do not have a diagnosis, but was squarely on the autism end of the scale upon taking the Baron-Cohen test. Am guessing others on this forum have had similar experience, and would like advice on where i might likely fit in, if anywhere.

Double Retired

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27 Dec 2021, 4:46 pm

Well, I think you'll fit in here!

When diagnosed I bought champagne!
I finally knew why people were strange.


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27 Dec 2021, 7:37 pm

DR is right.

Welcome to Wrong Planet! :)

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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28 Dec 2021, 8:12 am

A diagnosis or label might not be as helpful as one would think. It can be a good starting point. As you see whatever unique characteristics you have and determine which are an advantage and which a hindrance, you can ask others what strategies they have employed to deal with things that hinder.

The forum can be greatly beneficial to those seeking advice from others who have gone before. Using the search function can be helpful to seek out topics that might have unique words associated with them.


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29 Dec 2021, 6:55 am

welcome! Self diagnosis, suspecting diagnosis, or professional diagnosis, all set our self image and the ideas and beliefs we had before upside down, seeing everything of our pasts from a new perspective can really be exciting, fill us with dismay, saddening, a huge relief, and so much more. Take your time to sort it out and do your emotional homework. Diagnosis can be life changing. Its a lot to process. Self care always first as you proceed. Seek more info in studies, books, videos, blogs, forums, etc. Ask lots of questions in places like this one where you have access to the insights of thousands of years of lived autistic experience. Best wishes, glad you are with us.


"Curiosity is one of the permanent and certain characteristics of a vigorous intellect.” Samuel Johnson

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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02 Jan 2022, 2:23 pm

I tried to respond individually to those who responded to my first message, but it didn't work. Is there a tutorial or anything like that to explain how to do this?
Meanwhile, thanks to doubleretired for believing i will fit in here. Fitting in has been a nearly lifelong issue for me, as i suppose it has for many others on this forum.
Thanks to timf for suggesting the search engine. That should work for me, and i expect to try it.
And thanks to autisticelders for the ideas and encouragement.
Being in an online group like this is new for me, but knowing my place on the spectrum is not - i learned that a little over ten years ago. That was, in a way, life changing, even at my advanced age. Since then have read quite a few articles and books, as well as talked with friends about it, and written some about it myself. The book that induced me to check out online groups was Katherine May's The Electricity of Every Living Thing.
I'm not sure if this response will even get back to you all, but will just wait and see.


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04 Jan 2022, 6:22 am

you are not alone! The beauty of forums and groups like this one is having access to others who understand and who have lived experience to share, give insights and suggestions. Ask questions, use the search feature to find discussions of topics you are interested in, self care always first. The discovery of our autism is compared to a shock and many individuals report going through the emotional stages of grieving as they adjust to the new perspective. Anger, denial, sadness, bargaining, acceptance, all in a whirl and sometimes stuck at one stage or another or having multiple feelings all at once. Be at least as kind to yourself as you would be to another person going through such a life upheaval. For me diagnosis explained almost all the whys of the past and was a huge relief, but still had to go through loads of emotional homework as I sorted old memories and understood how autism had worked behind the scenes for so many years without anybody knowing. One of the best things about understanding I was/am autistic is that I discovered a whole bunch of others who understood, and to realize I was not the "only one" and that everything was not "all my fault" Cheering you on!


"Curiosity is one of the permanent and certain characteristics of a vigorous intellect.” Samuel Johnson

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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04 Jan 2022, 11:55 am

richa wrote:
I tried to respond individually to those who responded to my first message, but it didn't work. Is there a tutorial or anything like that to explain how to do this?
Meanwhile, thanks to doubleretired for believing i will fit in here. Fitting in has been a nearly lifelong issue for me, as i suppose it has for many others on this forum.
Thanks to timf for suggesting the search engine. That should work for me, and i expect to try it.
And thanks to autisticelders for the ideas and encouragement.
Being in an online group like this is new for me, but knowing my place on the spectrum is not - i learned that a little over ten years ago. That was, in a way, life changing, even at my advanced age. Since then have read quite a few articles and books, as well as talked with friends about it, and written some about it myself. The book that induced me to check out online groups was Katherine May's The Electricity of Every Living Thing.
I'm not sure if this response will even get back to you all, but will just wait and see.

I don't think there's a comment reply feature on here, so what I do is click "quote" on whatever comment I want to reply to and then write my response under the quote. Welcome to Wrong Planet! :D :alien: