I have had unusual fears, anxieties and scary thoughts ever since I was a young child.
I have suffered badly from dentophobia (fear of dentists), emetophobia (fear of vomiting), agyrphobioa (fear of crossing streets), cynophobia (fear of dogs), and hypochondria.
When I was little I was afraid of drawing beards and mustaches and hated even drawing Santa Claus until I was around 9 years old.
I had a really bad fear of using public toilets except the girl's bathroom at school until I was maybe 10. I would rather pee on the ground than use a public toilet. I really don't know why exactly, maybe because they often had strange noises or weird chemical odors.
But then again female people are statistically more affected by anxiety disorders and phobias than male people. I don't know if it's because guys are still generally taught that being afraid is "wrong", or if it's genetic, or both.
And yet I've never had a fear of water or swimming. I learned to swim at an early age and I loved it. Supposedly we're all afraid of water and don't shower often and smell and look gross as a result. Supposedly we don't know or forget that water is wet.
But that's not it at all, some of us just hate the feeling and pressure of the shower water hitting our skin. When you take a bath or swim it's different.