nobodyzdream wrote:
I do it at times. I'm not sure if it is exactly what you are meaning, but I will hit a point in most situations near the end of something such as a semester in college, where I decide to talk to people. However, it is ALWAYS near the end of things, when I have a quick way out just in case, lol.
After a few days of it, I withdraw almost entirely. I don't talk to people, I don't look at people, I hardly leave the house, etc. after it happens, and it (the socializing mood) only lasts a few days, then I go into withdraw for a week or 2, and back to normal after that. I guess technically it's like 3 moods, but I'm guessing it is similar to what you are dealing with.
actually thats exactually what i am talking about....that would have been a much better post then what i said awesome are we...
the conventional view serves to protect society from the painful job of thinking.