SharonB wrote:
There is talk that children have brain elasticity, and apparently ASD adults do too relative to NT peers. At age 50 I am still thrilled (like a child) by stimuli (across all senses) ----- which sets me apart from the "mature" adults. Apparently being cool and adult-like is being nonreactive, so I am very uncool and childish. I still clap my hands with excitement and even my more reserved ASD BFF will flap her hands with excitement (albeit less often). "Mature" (NT) adults regulate emotions, communication, etc. and I don't do that so much. I'll still talk too much (or too little, emote too much (or too little) --- like a "child". When I substitute teach I am play alongside the children whenever I can. Being an adult is a bore (and overwhelming). The world is still full of wonder for me.
I'm glad you emote
because I am rather deadpan, at least my face is; my mind will be soaring through the possibilities while my face does nothing - although my face has gotten better connected as I aged. It doesn't do me any good since I can't see it
but it lets other people know that my engine is still running.
WE are a Beautiful Rainbow!