Even soft sounds by others annoy me when I hear them from inside my house. Right now two little girls are two yards over on a trampoline, and I hear them. I can't wrap my head around why the parents don't teach them to play quietly. This is very easy: "If you yell or shriek, you're coming inside." I guarantee it, they'd shriek or yell only one or two more times before they'd never do it again. But the parents are wusses or inconsiderate and think everyone likes to hear their kids. I played quietly as a child yet had as much fun as any other NT kid. Yelling, shrieking, screaming are NOT necessary for kids to have fun.
I agree with you there. I'm like a grumpy old pensioner who hates the sound of children outside. If I could afford to live in a quiet area then I would, but instead I can only afford to live in a block of cheaply-built apartments surrounded by inconsiderate people who like having barbecues in the parking spaces outside that last long into the night, and like to have their music booming from their parked cars, and let their kids run around screaming and playing ball games outside your windows, and to add to it all we live below a baby that cries loudly all the time and people that like to stamp instead of walk.
The only peace I get is when I'm at work.