mechanima wrote:
krex wrote:
I think every thing looked good except one thing,that may just be due to a "special interest" and not cause issue for anyone else.The problem for me is the heading....."The Final Solution"...this was a nazi term for genocide and the death camps.It just bothers me to see it,especially in a paper talking about people with AS.Perhaps you could consider changing it to...."Solutions".
I love the idea of home owner ship if the individuals have adiquite support with the papaer work,repairs and legal issues.Those things are very over whelming to me and have kept me a renter for all my life.(43).Good job on the paper,I hope it helps resolve some issues.
Hi Krex...
That aspect is as deliberate as it gets...because it throws out a huge wallop of cognitive dissonance to get 'em past the lesser cognitive dissonance of the idea of the state buying people *free* homes (in an insanely overheated property market) and into the reality that is would actually be CHEAPER to do it that way.
But is it OTT? Not sure yet...
Just FYI, here in Ireland, as long as the homes remain in the ownership of the state on the same terms as existing social housing, all repairs, etc are the responsibility of the State (in this case, most likely in the form of the local authority) and rents are subsidised to about $15 pw for welfare recipients and on a means tested, sliding scale for others.
Ok,I guess I see your point,it certainly created cognitive dissonance for me(as well as a quessy feeling that comes with it).
The current system over here seems to be to create opportunities for low income people to buy houses and then a stagnent economy that causese them to go default on the lones so they lose all the money the put into it as well as the house.The only people who seem to be profitting from this system are loan bankers and all the "middle men" who get commissions,such as lawyers,real estate co.,etc.The general practive is to have "section 8 housing for low income",which takes years to get on,sliding scale rent for people on disability or social service DD housing for those who need 24 hour care.I worked in the last situaation for the past 4 years and it is horrible.The majority of the workers are from Africa and dont like or respect the people who live in the houses(many who can not speak for themselves to complain).This seems to be the current trend for people with disabilities.The money spent on these homes,per day is unbelievable but when the clients have needs...all we would hear is...there is no money for that.It was very sad.
Just because one plane is flying out of formation, doesn't mean the formation is on course....R.D.Lang
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