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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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28 Apr 2022, 10:02 am

My friend has Asperger’s Syndrome and she is so sensitive to body odour that it disgusts her to be around someone and she is also sensitive to people touching her, does anyone know how can she overcome this?


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28 Apr 2022, 10:59 am

K.aifu wrote:
My friend has Asperger’s Syndrome and she is so sensitive to body odour that it disgusts her to be around someone and she is also sensitive to people touching her, does anyone know how can she overcome this?
First, Welcome aboard.

Second, sensory overload is a common life-long part of having Asperger’s Syndrome

Third, sensory overload can neither be overcome nor cured.

Finally, her friends should be taught that they need to be more considerate of her, and not she of them.


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28 Apr 2022, 11:16 am

We aspies can't overcome our sensory issues any more than a deaf person can overcome their need for sign language. Maybe NTs should learn to overcome their problems with bathing and using deodorant or touching people when they don't like it.


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28 Apr 2022, 11:38 am

lostonearth35 wrote:
. . . Maybe NTs should learn to overcome their problems with bathing and using deodorant or touching people when they don't like it.
This ↑ for the win!

The OP may as well ask her friend if she has ever ". . . just tried not being autistic".


A fictional example from a Marvel X-Men movie:


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28 Apr 2022, 6:20 pm

K.aifu wrote:
My friend has Asperger’s Syndrome and she is so sensitive to body odour that it disgusts her to be around someone and she is also sensitive to people touching her, does anyone know how can she overcome this?

Stimulus exposure, TEMPORARILY can decrease susceptibility to said sensor.

She can use nice smells to cover up bad odors. A scented mask, a scented scarf, a scented loose blouse she can shake around. She can get pet fish if she wants to. Pet fish stink strongly, but their scent is not "hot and unaired" like mammals residing in fur and wood. Theyre not that hard to care for. Go to for example beaches or muddy ponds, forest or mushroom smelling parks to interact with others, the area smells are different. She can scent her books.

Dogs have this issue, when they go outside theres a lot of smells and interest, distractions.

Touch is not required in society. No one can force anyone even children to hug anyone else. For medical exams, though, I guess something that soothes her could help. Stress toys, or squeezing on something, hugging something.

My Pepe Le Skunk. I have so much faith in our love for one another. Thanks for being an amazing partner. :heart: x :heart:

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