Multiple Intelligence Theory:Which Area Are You Smartest In?
According to Howard Gardner, there are multiple forms of intelligence, and each person specializes in certain areas. One person might be good at words while another person might be better with solving spatial problems. Below are the seven forms of intelligence according to Howard Gardner.
Linguistic-Verbal Intelligence
People who are strong in linguistic-verbal intelligence are able to use words well, both when writing and speaking. These individuals are typically very good at writing stories, memorizing information, and reading.
Visual-Spatial Intelligence
People who are strong in visual-spatial intelligence are good at visualizing things. These individuals are often good with directions as well as maps, charts, videos, and pictures. These tend to think in pictures and need to create vivid mental images to retain information.
Bodily / Kinesthetic Intelligence
Ability to control body movements and handle objects skillfully. These learners express themselves through movement. They have a good sense of balance and eye-hand co-ordination. (E.g. ball play, balancing beams). Through interacting with the space around them, they are able to remember and process information.
Musical Intelligence
People who have strong musical intelligence are good at thinking in patterns, rhythms, and sounds. They have a strong appreciation for music and are often good at musical composition and performance.
Interpersonal Intelligence
Those who have strong interpersonal intelligence are good at understanding and interacting with other people. These individuals are skilled at assessing the emotions, motivations, desires, and intentions of those around them.
Intrapersonal Intelligence
Ability to self-reflect and be aware of one's inner state of being. These learners try to understand their inner feelings, dreams, relationships with others, and strengths and weaknesses.
Logical / Mathematical Intelligence
Ability to use reason, logic and numbers. These learners think conceptually in logical and numerical patterns making connections between pieces of information. Always curious about the world around them, these learners ask lots of questions and like to do experiments.
With that said, what is your strongest skill?
Not Linguistic-Verbal Intelligence.
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I'm measurably better in visual spatial stuff. I guess I'm good at that stuff. I love driving, and maps and cue sports - pool and snooker etc - judging where the object ball and white ball is going to go etc.
I didn't get a question wrong in the 60 questions Raven test which I took recently (all visual spatial problem solving questions of increasing complexity), although I did kind of intuitively guess a few of the trickiest answers and luckily I got all my guesses right. Apparently this result would put my IQ above 144 which I know it isn't anything like that across a general test.
I'm decent in some parts of some of the other areas. I'm pretty good at languages I guess, although much better at writing than speaking.
I have strong musical appreciation too, but I'm not very good at playing an instrument, possibly because I find it difficult to consistently dedicate regular time to this which is essential to progress.
Not good at Bodily / Kinesthetic Intelligence in general.
Interpersonal Intelligence - I can understand other people, it's just the being different and the anxiety makes it all a lot more difficult, so I avoid it where possible and this lack of practice probably just makes things worse.
Um, well, hard to say. I have many traits of Interpersonal Intelligence but I'm s**t at making friends, so...
I might have Linguistic-Verbal Intelligence, although my vocabulary isn't very big and I struggle to use big words or explain things.
Where's the creative intelligence one? I think I have this; creative, good at problem solving, can store lots of memories of my life, and think very deeply about things.
I definitely agree that intelligence can't very usefully be expressed as a single quantity such as a "person's IQ." It's a very blunt instrument and I don't know what it tries to achieve - measuring the total horse-power of a human brain?
I much prefer breaking IQ down into aptitudes. Those can be measured more objectively. Of course it's necessary to decide what aptitudes to test, and I've no idea whether Mr.Gardner has picked the most useful set or not. But I see no harm in giving them a whirl.
Linguistic-Verbal Intelligence: I think I'm quite good at that. I can usually express my ideas pretty accurately. I can be rather a slow reader, and often balk at the task of reading a long chunk of text - paradoxically it's often because the author hasn't been skilled enough to make the ideas clear enough to me. I suppose testing a person's reading comprehension skill is more difficult than testing their skills of expression because we have to factor in the quality of the reading material. And I think some of it is down to luck - if the author manages to use the right amount of attention to detail about the right ideas, without under- or over-explaining, I'm in with a better chance.
Visual-Spatial Intelligence: I'm good at this to a degree. I often find 2-dimensional diagrams very useful as long as I can relate to their components. It's not enough just to draw any old diagram or picture and assume that's helpful. And if the ideas are new or are complex then I make only slow progress. I guess the reason I have some trouble with maps is that they're 2-dimensional but what they represent is 3-dimensional reality, in a way that can make things difficult where the 3-dimensionality of the real thing makes it look wildly different from the bird's-eye view of the map.
. . .I have some skill in thinking in 3 dimensions, but it's limited. If I'm trying to make a 3-dimensional bit of apparatus, I often find my first attempt doesn't work very well, though when I persevere I can do better on my next attempt. I suppose I use the first attempt as a real-life model of the task. The tools for creating abstracted 3-dimensional models of proposed real things are probably rare compared with the ease of 2-dimensional pencil and paper, so it's naturally harder to find tools for conceiving a 3-dimensional object. But I would imagine some people can do the whole thing in their heads more easily than I can. I think a lot of it has to do with familiarity, and that we aren't dealing with an absolute, unchangeable aptitude. If I spent more of my time creating 3-dimensional equipment, I'd be more familiar with how bits of stuff interact in 3 dimensions, and become better at designing these things.
Bodily / Kinesthetic Intelligence: If it's my whole body, I'm probably not so good at that. If it's my hands, I'm pretty good at manipulating small objects with them. I've always enjoyed making things with my hands and with tools. Of course if the tools need specialised skill to be used properly, I need to acquire that skill first, and that can be a slower learning curve than might be expected, though I often enjoy the process.
Musical Intelligence: I suppose I must be good at this, as evidenced by the recordings I make and the appreciation audiences tend to express when I perform live music. But I rarely go beyond a certain level of complexity, and would likely feel lost if I tried to. The world of classical music probably wouldn't want me, though I enjoy a lot of classical music. My field is mostly rock and roll and other relatively simple popular and folk music (it's interesting to note that word "popular," which seems to imply that to achieve the best results in music, i.e. playing in a way that people like the most, complexity can get in the way, and that the "best" music is often the simplest and easiest to create). I've noticed when trying to learn music theory that the books are like Greek to me but when I finally figure out what they're talking about, I knew about it intuitively all the time, but that my brain can't be bothered with naming such things as syncopation, grace notes, etc.
Interpersonal Intelligence: I'm certainly not without some skill in it, though I don't know how to assess how well I do. I can't imagine how it could be accurately tested. I'm definitely interested in the subject. I suspect I bring my own views on the best criteria into it, which may surpass conventional assumptions but at the same time risk falling short of the mark - in other words, with social stuff I see things others don't see, so more fool them, and they see things I don't, so more fool me.
Intrapersonal Intelligence: Probably quite good, though how do I know what I'm missing? I've had a strong interest in this kind of introspection for decades, and seem able to talk intelligently about how I feel, how I relate to others, and what my strengths and weaknesses are.
Logical / Mathematical Intelligence: Yes, I suppose. I do a lot of rational thinking and love to find things out by experiment. It was a significant part of my job as a science worker before I retired. But my mathematical skills are only middle-level and I'd be out of my depth among really skilled mathematicians and computer programmers. As long as I stay within my limits, I can achieve results that are often impressive to lay people. But I've always had a love-hate relationship with numbers and (to a lesser degree) with logic. I have a lot of trouble remembering numbers, and if I spend too much time thinking logically then I worry that I'm leaving my artistic, emotional side to rust up and grow cobwebs.
So, which of those is my strongest "intelligence?" I don't know. I suspect those categories need breaking down into smaller ones to provide more black-and-white insight into the matter, but even then I don't know that the results would be very well-defined. I always seem to find nuances that defy the drawing of hard-and-fast conclusions, it's always "well, it depends" with me. I seem to be able to do most narrowly-defined tasks well if I really put my mind to them. The worst "intelligence" I've found in myself is bureaucratic intelligence, i.e. being able to fill in forms effectively and quickly, and to get bureacrats to co-operate with me. I also have little or no "spiritual intelligence," though I suspect that may be a good thing. I balk at most philosophy and tend to consider it a waste of time.
Linguistic-Verbal Intelligence:
I chose this one even though I have Selective Mutism. Verbal intelligence includes our ability for receptive language (listening / reading) and not just expressive language (speaking / writing). I'm not great with making inferences when I read. I tend to be a black and white thinker and I probably draw conclusions too quickly, but I still have a lifelong love of language and literature.
Visual-Spatial Intelligence:
Terrible - As shown in my ASD assessment. I have a Non-Verbal Learning Disorder and I'm very weak with visual or spatial awareness. I was ranked in the 5th Percentile for Non-Verbal IQ, which is classified as "Extremely Low". I think in words and can't picture anything (Aphantasia). I also have difficulty with Proprioception (knowing where my body is in space). 3D Maths, graphs, Calculus, and spatial puzzles are a disaster for me. I'm easily overwhelmed by visual input too (Photophobia). I'm skilled in Art but have always had difficulty with shading or sculpture.
Bodily / Kinesthetic Intelligence:
Nope. I had to learn what hunger felt like in 2020. I didn't even know the difference between salty, sweet, sour, etc. In some respects my body doesn't even belong to me. I also walk into walls or injure myself about 100 times a day.
Musical Intelligence:
Zero. All I know is how to play an album.
Interpersonal Intelligence:
If it's in written form, yes. I can read posts on here and understand people at a pretty deep level. In real life with verbal dialogue and body language cues, I have no idea what anyone's about. There's too much information to disseminate from people in real time. I can't filter anything extraneous (background noise, light, etc), and again I can't make inferences without a lot of reflection. I'm face blind and can't read people's facial expressions or motives.
I have a very strong sense of empathy if the person tells me how they feel (written, or very clear verbal), or if I've experienced the same problems. If I'm left to my own intuition about a person's emotions I often get it wrong, even though I care and I'm interested to help.
Intrapersonal Intelligence:
I live in my head so I know myself very well even though I can't make sense of what I find. I can't always identify patterns in my own behaviour, and I have such profound Alexithymia I can't label my own emotions. I'm surrounded by it all 24/7 and I'm very much in tune with the ups and downs, but it's more like an overwhelming haze than a critical awareness.
Logical / Mathematical Intelligence:
Yes - I excel in both; however, I think Language is superior for me because I think in words and concepts rather than numbers and shapes. I studied Deductive / Boolean Logic as a Philosophy student. I use formal logic to solve moral and ethical problems. Overall, I have a strong affinity for numbers and patterns but they aren't as important to me as words.
* I should add that I've suffered two strokes, but I was like this ^ even before the first.
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.
"Dumbest": Bodily-Kinesthetic (and Naturalistic, had that option existed).
In other words, I draw drawings and get myself injured by slips, trips and falls.
Same for me, I'm a physically out of sync human camera and navigation system.
Joined: 5 Jan 2010
Age: 50
Gender: Female
Posts: 12,806
Location: Lost on Earth, waddya think?
Most intelligent: visual-spatial, linguistic-verbal.
Least intelligent:bodily-kinesthetic , logical-mathematical
In other worlds, I'm the dumbest at the two things the whole world wants me to be good at. I can't catch a ball, can't do long division, everyone notices. I memorize Lewis Carrol's Jabberwocky poem and hand write and illustrate small novels, nobody cares.
Joined: 1 Jan 2006
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Location: Somewhere west of where you are
For me, there are 3 and possibly 4. There's that thing I did as a kid again, making sure I had diversified interests, mainly as a backup plan so that if one interest was temporarily unavailable I wouldn't get bored.
It ain't easy being me, but someone's gotta do it.
I dunno, that seems pretty cool to me. Jabberwocky isn't a bad thing to memorize; it is and comes from a great work of fiction. It's also a great thing to illustrate and write your own works. As with most things, the audience determines care, and I'd rather hear someone recite Jabberwocky or their own fiction than...whatever most people talk about from popular culture nowadays, and I won't be alone there. As an aside, the Vorpal blade is one of the classic weapons from fiction after all and has been adapted across multiple pieces of such.
Visual-Spatial here (square block goes in square hole)
Joined: 12 Feb 2010
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Posts: 114,574
Location: the island of defective toy santas
i can write a little. i can read a little more. i have perfect pitch [useful but blessed and cursed at once]. i have a good sense of rhythm in general. i'm less successful at actually playing musical instruments but i stumble through it. i am generally clumsy and have subpar proprioception, leading to many accidents over the decades.
Linguistic-Verbal Intelligence: Very good
Visual-Spatial Intelligence: Poor at mental rotation and 3x3 matrix. Much better at pattern recognition ,which I'm not sure is covered under 'MST'.
Bodily / Kinesthetic Intelligence: poor/very poor
Musical Intelligence: poor
Interpersonal Intelligence: poor
Intrapersonal Intelligence: above average
Logical / Mathematical Intelligence:above average
I always enjoyed drawing, but first time I animated a thing it was... i just knew how to do it. It felt like my brain had the perfect shape for the job. Later I learned that I can distinguish framerate, i.e., how many images per second a given animation is running at (at least, between the usual broadcast/animation standards of 12, 24, 30 and 60 frames per second). That's a pretty useless skill, but it does freak out my colleagues now and then.
I can read facial expressions. I did the test.
Under Gardner's model, it would appear that my natural strengths are in the linguistic, visual-spatial, and logical-mathematical intelligences. I was a linguist for many years, speak several languages, and most enjoyed Contracts at law school. Those subjects require reasoned thinking, linguistic skill, and the ability to recognize patterns easily (skills commonly measured by IQ tests). However, I was an educator for many years and a dog and chicken whisperer, drawing heavily on Gardner's interpersonal and naturalist intelligences. The underlying factors common to all of these intelligences are reasoning ability and pattern recognition (see Punia & Jyoti, 2015). I am autistic and, by default, should have low interpersonal intelligence. Yet, like many high IQ autistics, my reasoning ability is strong enough to overcome any supposed theory of mind deficit. I am least gifted in the least cognitively aligned of Gardner's intelligences, and that's fine by me. Intelligence is a trait, like height. Some traits are undeniably helpful in specific contexts, but they offer no measure of intrinsic worth. Perhaps if more people felt that way, Gardner would not have felt the need to redefine intelligence.
Gardner, H. (1998). A Multiplicity of Intelligences. Scientific American Presents, 18–23.
Punia, V., & Jyoti, J. (2015). Exploration of underlying factors within Multiple Intelligence: a study of adolescents. International Journal of Human Potential Development, 04.
Sternberg, R. J., Fiske, S. T., & Foss, D. J. (2017). Scientists Making A Difference: One Hundred Eminent Behavioral And Brain Scientists Talk About Their Most Important Contributions (pp. 187–170). Cambridge University Press.
I've got executive function issues and sensory sensitivities, but make no mistake, AUTISM IS MY SUPERPOWER even if it's not yours.
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