kraftiekortie wrote:
Will you stop with the garbage about autism and criminality!
It’s the most asinine thing!
we have to keep an eye it doesnt get worse,
and I should confront Sam via any institution letting him use the title professor.
or better yet threaten him with that if he dosnt make a retraction vid.
btw to get rid of this error it will help heaps to get rid of Uta Frith, who is a crackpot.
The only question is if she knows it or not.
A lot of those who promote her version of Wittgenstein must!
oh, she proably sort of knows, till the warm embrace of dissonance repeats and she is a scholar in her own mind..
https://oxford.universitypressscholarsh ... 0199737666btw this guy says the same thing as me in anotherway ... in-autism/