naturalplastic wrote:
My guesses:
"Late age of onset" Means you got the medical condition later in age in life then when you're supposed to get it (if you get it). Like if you got through your teen without getting acne, but suddenly became a crater face at 30.
If theyre talking about autism then thats weird because you're supposed to be born with it. But if you were NT at birth and stayed that way until say 15, and THEN got autistic then that would be "late age of onset" for autism (because its long after birth).
"Atypical symptomatology" probably means you're set of symptoms dont match the condition you're supposed to have. The "a" in front of word negates the word. So "atypical" means "not typical". So you "dont have typical symptoms". You have oddball symptoms.
"Subthreshold symptomatology" probably means that you have the right symptoms but not severe enough to be classified as having the condition. Like if your overweight, but not enough overweight for the docs call you "obese".
It's strange, because it is considered a neurodevelopental disorder. My conclusion is that you always had symptoms of ASD from the beginning, but appeared neurotypical until you reach social demands that gets too complicated for you, and you started to show symptoms of ASD when social norms gets complicated at an later age. My other conclusion is that you have neurotypical traits, but then symptoms of ASD seeps out when social rules gets too complicated, but you always had symptoms of ASD from the beginning, it's just that you have neurotypical traits.