In the 4-5 months now since it dawned on me that I have Asperger's, I keep revisiting every event in life and re-assessing things now that I know what really happened.
One thing that I'd largely forgotten about for decades, but now seems to qualify as one of my "special interests" is about my love for travel - seeing ways of life in other areas, and the geography and demographics in cities/states/countries. Numbers obsession - normal for ASD? As an adult, I always love to travel, the majority of the time alone, as you might expect.
So on to the funny, unique thing about me in my ASD "intelligent but socially detached" childhood. I'd be shocked if anyone else did something like this?
I'm in the US. Around 1988, at the age of 12-13, I bought 50 postcards. I addressed them to each of the US's 50 states' tourism bureaus, asking for travel information/brochures to their state.
As they replied back to me, I diligently kept each state's mail filed alphabetically (of course!), and kept track of those who I'd not heard from. It seemed perfectly normal to me at the time, but I now see how strange it was for anyone, especially as a youngster at that age.
A couple months later, with 2-5 of 50, still not responsive, I begged my mom to call (at a costly long-distance price at the time), to those I had not a reply from. She finally relented and eventually I had mail from all 50.
Some might call it a waste of tax dollars, but I'd call it an "investment", since I've been to 49/50 US states now. That "seed" of me as an 8th-grader who sat alone in the school cafeteria and to this day, still can't dribble a basketball - paid off in time!
So that's my funny story to share. What stories do you, if you have ASD - have from when you were young?