How is Aspergers Diagnosed?
I'm contemplating going in and getting an Aspergers assessment, mainly to confirm my suspicion that Aspergers is what is affecting me, and also so I have something to show others as evidence of my condition.
I'm wondering whats involved in the diagnosis...
is it a lengthy process?
Does it cost a lot?
What sort of tests will I be subjected to?
Additionally, I'd be interested in knowing the names of any doctors or clinics in my area (tampa Bay Florida) who can do this for me...
Thanks in advance
I'm wondering whats involved in the diagnosis...
is it a lengthy process? In my case it was a couple of hours at the office of a local psychiatrist.
Does it cost a lot? Well, where I am in the world prices are cheap anyway. Figure on the cost of two hours of a psychiatrists time and you'll be in the right area, you could always ask first.
What sort of tests will I be subjected to? There were a couple of multiple choice tests similar to those that you might find on-line and then a lengthy interview covering my life history in reasonable detail. Nothing to worry about.
Ed Almos
My diagnosis was very different
I think it is different in the UK than it is in America it went for a long time. it was like that game show which use to be onin England I don't whether it was on in the US called The Krypton Factor. I had to copy patterns then I had buld patterns then I had answer a few questions about me and my behavior and I had to be honest then finally the last test was a logic quiz then their was a general knowledge quiz then he asked me about myself. Then I had to go back in two weeks to get my result and when I got my result I panicked I started saying say I don't have Asperger Syndrome please...... then he told me I had I said Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !
The price well in the UK it is free you just go to the doctor and he sends you to the phychiatrist and you visit him 3 or 4 times until you see the specialist that was my experience
That is what they do in England.

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I'm wondering whats involved in the diagnosis...
is it a lengthy process?
Does it cost a lot?
What sort of tests will I be subjected to?
Additionally, I'd be interested in knowing the names of any doctors or clinics in my area (tampa Bay Florida) who can do this for me...
Thanks in advance

depends on the specialist,but if the person has quite a severe and/or obvious case of aspergers,it can be diagnosed within first appointment,or mentioned in the first appointment then diagnosed at next appointment,and so on.
having multiple conditions,learning disabilities,learning dificulties and mental illnesses can make it take longer.
try to go to a specialist who works with autism and with adults.
try not to go to pyschs from mental health,as they are not knowledgeable and will miss all but the most severe or classic cases.
I was diagnosed with schizoid personality disorder since my first session with my psychologist, and then went to a few more sessions before she actually asked me how I would diagnose myself. I said Asperger Syndrome, she agreed and wrote it down. It's a pretty exceptional case, hopefully.
I don't know how it is in general, but you should expect a quicker (not necessarily accurate) diagnosis if you have more severe impairments. In my case, my hypersensitivity to sound is severely hindering my studies, so my psychologist and psychiatrist started treating me as soon as they could. I don't know about cost either. I wasn't "tested" for AS, but I had to answer (verbally) a test for schizophrenia and part of Beck's depression inventory.
I think it is different in the UK than it is in America it went for a long time. it was like that game show which use to be onin England I don't whether it was on in the US called The Krypton Factor. I had to copy patterns then I had buld patterns then I had answer a few questions about me and my behavior and I had to be honest then finally the last test was a logic quiz then their was a general knowledge quiz then he asked me about myself. Then I had to go back in two weeks to get my result and when I got my result I panicked I started saying say I don't have Asperger Syndrome please...... then he told me I had I said Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !
The price well in the UK it is free you just go to the doctor and he sends you to the phychiatrist and you visit him 3 or 4 times until you see the specialist that was my experience
That is what they do in England.
Is it free because you are a student or something?
Im thinking about getting diagnosed. Sounds fun, Krypton Factor rules

I was diagnosed back when I was 15. It was pretty quick I think. Can't say how much it cost but I think insurance covered it. My school psychologist was the first to go in this direction I believe. My mom works in the mental health field and she agreed. I started seeing a therapist and psychologist and they did too. They said I was a pretty textbook case.
There are three ways:
1. You can simply talk any pdoc into diagnosing you. This method means absolutely nothing, but is convenient when your diagnosis is certain for whatever reason but you don't have the paperwork to prove it. Paperwork, sadly, is often more important than reality.
2. Any pdoc can diagnose you "properly" by matching your description of yourself against the diagnostic criteria in the diagnostics and statistical manual. Note that it is your description, however. They have no real tests and don't have the time to do any meaningful observation.
3. Functional MRI scans can reveal activity in the brain and there are studies which fairly conclusively (IMHO) show that Asperger's is specifically associated with atypical behavior in a specific part of the prefrontal region of the brain. This is the ONLY test that can give a yes/no answer, but it is not generally accepted at this time, it won't be cheap, and fMRI is under high demand. Choose this ONLY if there's a research group conducting trials to confirm the results so far and they're paying for the test.
How do they DX AS?
Well,first they have to catch the chiken.They run pretty fast when they see the DRs coming with a hatchet,so hopefully your DR isnt a smoker,as this can slow someone down.After the organs are removed,they are carefully studied for texture,smell and colors.AS specialist go to school for years to be able to read orgins correctly.Some may use chanting or incense to create the correct atmosphere,but it isnt required and I personally dont trust such "showmanship".
The cost is based on the current price of the chicken,hatchet cleaning,and the many years of education required to read the organs.
OK,disregaurd the above,just poking some fun at the psych field.....How I did it(USA).Insurence paid for it after I convinced my GP into writing a referal.This wasnt easy,as she originally said....."You cant have AS because you can communicate"At the time I actually couldnt communicate as I was having a "crying meltdown" and was completely non-verbal,I handed her a note that I had written before hand,fearing this meltdown and resulting loss of ability to communicate.She huffed and she puffed but she couldnt blow me she had her assistance return to the exam room(after she had left in a huff herself... )and the assistant called a number I had brought with me for a clinic that DXed adult AS.There had been a cancelation,so I was fortunate to get an appointment within a few weeks.There are very few "AS experts" who work with adults,so an appointment can take many months.
I had three appointments for the DX,each lasting several hours.Before the appointment I had written out the on-line RDOS test,question by questiona dn given a detailed answer as to why this "trait" did or did not apply to me.He based his interview questions on the 8 criteria for AS as found in the DSM(they are coming out with a new version soon.)He said that there are 2 sections,with 4 criteria each.An As DX is based on fitting 2 of the 4 on one section and 1 of 4 in the other.He said I met all 8 criteria. I question the accuracy of this personaly,but I agree that I met enough that I am AS.(OK,Somedays I have my doubts, but until the alians actually return in the space ship,I suppose AS is as good an explaination as any other... )
I found the DRs information on my local AS orginization.You could goggle your state and AS and see if you can find a local site that way.Good luck.By the way.They couldnt seem to offer me any help in getting help for my executive function issues or work related problems or any further testing of possible learning issues....all they did offer was a place to come and "whine" about how hard it is to be an aspie in an NT world.....Thats why I come to WP and there is no $20 co-pay and actual "aspie experts" ie people who have AS here.So,while it is interesting to know your DX,dont expect any assistance for it.
Actually my insurance specifically denies to pay for anything "autism" related,now that I do have a DX.... Though I could get "therepy" for co-morbids....depression,etc.It probably wouldnt be with someone who was AS "specialist".
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There's simple tests they can have you do that test you for symptoms like poor coordination, perseveration, and can assess your social skills, but you shouldn't really need that if you make a list of the symptoms you have...
I'm not a big fan of tests because for me they always have ended with "you don't have xxxxxxxxxxxx", even though I know for example, I have some sort of attention issue, what exactly it is I don't know.

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Here in Missouri-US, roughly it costs $350 for an assessment with a specialist. With aid, I'm going to be paying $32.50. Will let ya know how it gets done here once it has been done.
I've been diagnosed by my therapist, but I don't trust it quite as much, as he didn't even think of the possibility until I asked him about it, then commended me on the information I had found and how much I had looked into it before agreeing. I think he's learning a lot from me... hence my needing it verified by the specialist, lol.
Sorry for the long post...
I'm my own guinea pig.
Thanks for all the responses... i did finally hear from a DR near me... they say they want $750-1500. to do the assessment, which I think is outrageous.... i can think of a lot better things to do with that money than to find out something i already know...
So for now, I'll wait, maybe in the next couple of years we'll get national health care and i'll be able to get a break on this...
If this is just to confirm to yourself that you have it.....won't it be a bit of a flawed diagnosis?
I mean, if you truly believe you have Aspergers, you have obviously looked up all the traits and went thrugh the small quizzes. So chances are, whether you do or don't have it, you know how to answer the questions to confirm it to yourself.
Did that make any sense at all?????
I don't have Aspergers, but if I wanted to show that I had it, I know how to answer the questions at this point in time.
It sounds like you WANT the diagnosis, so your tests will almost be personally flawed going in. Unless the doctor has a magic question that only they ask and know of.
Just curious, why do you want something to show others that you have Aspergers? I've read this quite a few times on here and it kinda baffles me a bit. People normally don't go around with pieces of paper saying they have whatever they happen to have.
Don't take that in a bad way, I was just curious.
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well i was in the office for about 3 hours, the first time. with a psycologist, then on sepreate occasions for about an hour a piece with a psychiatrist. when i went to VR i had to go to another psychiatrist for about 2 1/2 hours with him. i dont know where exactly i was diagnosed at but the combined visits must have done the trick
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