When it comes to the kind of people who dont deserve being talked to in a polite way, I can understand your thoughts about this. However, sometimes you might be wrong about the deserving, or not deserving, part.
You see, some people who are rude or disrespectful deserve the same kind of reaction / treatment from you obviously, but have you ever cared or bothered to think, "do they really deserve this treatment from me?", or, "were they really rude like I thought they were?", and so on?
Not everything is what it really appears to be, lets just say that.
And to be honest with you, there have been situations in my life as an Asperger Syndrome adult, which I have occassionally misunderstood someone and thought they were being rude or disrespectful, when they weren't really. Or I thought they dont deserve respect from me, because they've done something I didnt like personally, but is not universally accepted as being rude.
The whole "rude" concept is variable and is subject to a matter of personal opinion.
I think, if you can respect other people, or atleast show minimal respect - not necessarily saying "please" every time you talk to someone or ask for something, but simply trying to remain somewhat polite, I think its better off that way.
With all this being said, I agree there are generally many people who are a waste of time, or who get pissed off so easily, they'd get pissed off even if you just made a tiny little wrong move, and so on. These people are a waste of time beecause you wouldnt be able to convince them not to be pissed off about something, even if you try really hard. And although most of the time you wouldnt want to try to convince anyone about these things, even if you tried, you wouldnt succeed doing so, which means these type of people are a big waste of time, and maybe even a waste of feelings, thoughts, emotions.
Yeah, situations can vary and each situation can be dealt with differently. I still insist with the basic concept of trying to remain polite to other people as much as possible, or avoiding situations which could escalate to violence. Sometimes its better off not trying to be a hero every time.
About me, my name's Noam 32 years old from Israel, diagnosed with High functioning Autism at about age 21 but unofficially had this problem since I was born. From age 25 or so I started to function better but I still have alot of problems in my life. I live in Israel in a city called Ashdod, but I was born in Jerusalem. I'm Agnostic when it comes to religion.
Hobbies include Video Games, Music, Sports, Swimming, Watch TV, Sex/Getting laid, Alcohol, Writing, Reading, and more.