Any films out about Aspergers or Aspies?

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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07 Aug 2007, 8:18 am

I really want to get some DVD's which will help me understand AS more?
Are there any out there?


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07 Aug 2007, 8:51 am

If you look at many films with "autistic" characters, some of the time you see it is more like AS.

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07 Aug 2007, 9:07 am

Mozart and the Whale was one based off true life events for a RL Aspie and his wife named Jerry Newport and Mary Meindel, it is about their courtship and life before their first divorce, they have re-married and all and are doing well last I heard on the news and all.


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07 Aug 2007, 9:19 am

I saw Mercury Rising the other day; but he's an autistic savant (spatial) with some cognitive impairment in other areas, the portrayal looked ok to me.

It's not "AS", but it shows the other end of the autistic spectrum in a decent light (I'm sure you'd enjoy it if you were interested in Asperger's which is on the other end).


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07 Aug 2007, 9:22 am

There's a new film coming out with Bob Hoskins where he plays an aspie. He did alot of research on it I heard. :)


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07 Aug 2007, 9:50 am

Danielismyname wrote:
I saw Mercury Rising the other day; but he's an autistic savant (spatial) with some cognitive impairment in other areas, the portrayal looked ok to me.

It's not "AS", but it shows the other end of the autistic spectrum in a decent light (I'm sure you'd enjoy it if you were interested in Asperger's which is on the other end).

Is Mercury Rising the one with Bruce Willis? About a little boy who does the cryptograms in the magazine and calls the phone number? I saw it and thats exactly the one I was thinking about. The thing is in Brasil they change the title of the movie, so I had no idea what the name was in its regular release.

I drink, I smoke, I gamble, I chase girls-- but postal chess is one vice I don't have.
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07 Aug 2007, 4:35 pm

look at the film review at the top of the home page.

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07 Aug 2007, 5:17 pm

I think the actors in Mozart & The Whale overacted a bit. I kept feeling like they were uncomfortable playing their roles. Overall, it's a cute movie though. I own it and will watch it again.

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07 Aug 2007, 7:52 pm

There's one called Snow Cake which has recently come out. I haven't seen it yet. Sigourney Weaver plays an aspie woman whose daughter dies, and Alan Rickman goes to tell her.


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07 Aug 2007, 9:25 pm

ChatBrat wrote:
I think the actors in Mozart & The Whale overacted a bit. I kept feeling like they were uncomfortable playing their roles. Overall, it's a cute movie though. I own it and will watch it again.

I think it's 'cause ppl would just see it as two oddballs if it wasn't acted in such a severe way. Remember Hollywood. I identified with a lot of things in that film.

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07 Aug 2007, 9:48 pm


Yeah, that's the one. I'm sure someone with Asperger's could relate to many things Simon does in the movie.


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08 Aug 2007, 12:33 am

I bought a film called "Davids' Mother" from the dollar cheapie bin at the department store. It stars Kristie Alley as a self sacrificing woman who turns out to actually be selfish. David was autistic though not AS. I think it was a made for cable womens network movie. It was interesting to see a fictionalized heroines moment of truth, when she realizes she has been wrong. If it were a guy film the hero would stick to his beliefs and die believing in them. Girls are cool.


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08 Aug 2007, 4:31 am

Alternative wrote:
There's a new film coming out with Bob Hoskins where he plays an aspie. He did alot of research on it I heard. :)

Do you know the name of it?



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08 Aug 2007, 6:10 am

Molly which is dreadful, Moozart and the whale is okay, in Anthony Mingella's Breaking and Entering Jude Law's character has a mildly autistic daughter obsessed with gymnastics, in the UK there is a new film starring Bob Hoskins called Sparkle about a man with AS coming to cinemas mid-august. Erm what else I'm sure theres more I'll keep thinking. According to conjecture Stanley Kubrick had Asperger's syndrome so you could watch some movies he directed because they may show from the inside how his AS mind works.